EOY Reporting Roadmap
(Updated as of 3/11/2025)
This primer will provide you the necessary tools in navigating through the CALPADS system and the different End of Year reporting requirements for which you are expected to comply with. This page will continually be updated with new content as needed.
EOY Calendar
CALPADS Snapshot Collection Windows and Certification Deadlines
Submission | Census Day | Primary Data Submitted | Official Submission Window | Certification Deadline | Close of Amendment Window |
Fall | October 2, 2024 | 2024–25 (Census Day): ·Enrollment counts ·English language acquisition status ·Immigrant Counts ·Free/reduced-price meal-eligibility ·Special Education 2023–24: ·Dropouts |
October 2, 2024 to January 24, 2025 | December 13, 2024* | January 24, 2025 (no changes can be made after this date) |
Fall 2 | October 2, 2024 | ·Student Course Enrollments ·Staff Assignments and full-time equivalent (FTE) ·English Learner Education Services |
December 16, 2024* to March 21, 2025 | March 21, 2025 | No Amendment Window: Final Deadline is March 21, 2025 |
End-of-Year (EOY) 1 | N/A | ·Course Completion for Grades 7–12 ·Career Technical Education (CTE) Participants, Concentrators, Completers ·Work-Based Learning Indicators |
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 | July 25, 2025 | August 8, 2025 |
End-of-Year (EOY) 2 | N/A | ·Program Eligibility/Participation | May 6, 2025 to August 9, 2025 | July 25, 2025 | August 8, 2025 |
End-of-Year (EOY) 3 | N/A | ·Student Incidents ·Cumulative Enrollment ·Student Absence Summary ·One-Year Graduate and Completer Counts ·Count of English Learner (EL) Reclassified during School Year ·Homeless Students |
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 | July 25, 2025* | August 8, 2025 |
End-of-Year (EOY) 4 | N/A | ·Special Education ·Postsecondary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities (SWD) Prior Year Completers |
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 | July 25, 2025* | August 8, 2025 |
EOY Milestones
EOY Submission Checklist
This form provides detailed list of EOY related data requirements and key responsibilities to facilitate the a smooth EOY certification. It contains multiple tabs that includes the checklist and list of certification reports. LEAs may download the spreadsheet, assign staff responsibilities and send it to the field.
Download Checklist
(Updated as of 3/10/2025)
CALPADS Communications
The following are CALPADS Flash communications relevant to EOY submission.
Flash 269
Topics in this Flash include: 2024 Summer Electronic Benefit Program
Flash 267
Topics include: Reminder to Update Students’ English Language Acquisition Status in CALPADS prior to May 31, 2024 for Students Reclassified Based on 2022−23 Scores.
Flash 265
Topics include: 2023−24 and 2024−25 Work-Based Learning Changes.
Flash 249
Topics include: 2022−23 End-of-Year (EOY) Updates.
Flash 229
Topics include: Work-based learning data; Work-based Learning File (WBLR).
Flash 219
Topics include: Reclassifying and reporting Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students; assessing students for English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) during the summer.
Flash 218
Topics include: Updated guidance on the use of the generic Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) of 9999999999.
Flash 209
Topics include: Guidance for exiting secondary students per Assembly Bill (AB) AB-104; process to follow to submit data to CALPADS.
Flash 207
Topics include: Guidance for Special Education data submission; use of Infant (IN) and Toddler (TD) grade levels for students with disabilities.
Flash 203
Topics include: Reporting Postsecondary Status File in End-of-Year 4 for Special Education in 2020–21
Flash 184
Topics include: 2020–21 Work-Based Learning data; preparing for submitting the WBLR File in 2020–21 EOY 1; Work-Based Learning codes for SWD.
Flash 148
Topics include: Enrollment and attendance accounting guidance for students attending hospital/health facility programs in another LEA and while on paternity leave; clarification regarding reporting disciplinary incidents
Flash 134
Topics include: Updated guidance (previously provided in Flash 132) regarding appropriate use of N470 exit code.
Flash 132
Topics include: Aligning guidance regarding when to disenroll Truants to support practices to reduced Chronic Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropouts
Continuous CALPADS Work
CALPADS data submission is an ongoing process. Despite the seemingly 2 month gap between Fall 2 and EOY submissions, LEAs must take advantage of this time to get a head start on EOY submission while updating student information for testing.
1. Regularly update student data in SIS and in CALPADS
- Run SSID Extracts for new students
- Exit SENR records for students who have already exited.
- Run Cohort Report 15.2 to check accuracy of student memberships in this Cohort year
2. Monitor SPED students’ movement and possible needed meetings
- Run CALPADS Report 16.21 Students with Disabilities – Overdue Plan Review and Reevaluation Meetings Student List
3. Prepare and Test students for:
- Summative ELPAC
4. Stay current with training and Flash communications
- CALPADS Regional Update Meetings: March 25-26, 2025 and May 20-21, 2025
- CSIS EOY Training: April/May 2024
5. Run local validation queries to address potential missing data within SIS
- Check for Absence due to suspension but no behavioral incident record
- Check for SCTE record but no SCSC record of completion in valid Capstone course
General Reminders
Download Direct Certification and Foster Youth Data before 6/30/2025
The Direct Certification extract and Foster Youth data for AY 2024-2025 will be purged from the system after 6/30/2025. We recommend you download and save the data regularly from now to before June 30 for reference.
Download the Direct Certification Extract before 6/30/2025
Run and download the Foster Youth Reports before 6/30/2025
Run Four-Year Cohort report and update exits and furture enrollments
4-year Cohort Outcome
Allow a user to select a future cohort year. (Report 15.1 and 15.2)
Will run 4 separate cohort years at a time.
Users can see their cohorts earlier and will be able to verify their first-time 9th grade records sooner.
Will be accessible continuously throughout the whole year
Verify summer graduates are posted and certified by August 8th at the latest.
Post future fall enrollment records for 5th year seniors by August 15th, so they are categorized as "still enrolled" rather than dropouts.
- An LEA may request a Supporting Reports Extract file as an alternative to specific Snapshot Reports. Please note that EOY report roles must be assigned to access a specific EOY submission report
End of Year 1 Submission
EOY 1 Changes
Validation Errors:
Convert CVRs to DD/CDDs
WBLR0649E1 - Change Internship validation from Warning DD to Fatal On If Work-Based Learning Type Code is equal to 10 (if the Work-Based Learning Type Code is equal 10 (Internship), then State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning must be populated with a CTE or Work Experience Course (9500-9502)
EOY Report Changes (SN, SELPA, C/A)
- Update Report 18.1 by removing retired "Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeships" Work-Based Learning Type (Code 30)
What files should LEAs submit for EOY 1?
- Staff Demographics (SDEM)
- Course Section Completion (CRSC)
- Student Course Completion (SCSC)
- Student Career Technical Education (SCTE)
- Work-Based Learning (WBLR)
Note: Files must be submitted and posted in the sequence listed above. Also, users should be aware of the default file upload processing method employed by each file.
What classes should be reported for EOY l?
LEAs must submit information on courses that students have completed during the academic year (7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024). Courses in departmentalized classroom settings in grades 9–12 are expected. This includes:
- CTE Courses (7000 - 8999)
- Regular classes in the 9000 range
- College courses
Who are the students you should report with a Student Course Completion?
You would include all Student Course Completion (SCSC) records of students in departmentalized courses who have completed their said courses during the academic year (7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025). Self-contained classes must not be reported at all.
Work-Based Learning Measures
This page provides definitions and details on current work-based learning measures in the CCI that have been approved by the SBE. It also reviews new measures that are currently being considered for potential inclusion in the CCI.
Who are the students you should report with a Student Career Technical Education record?
You only report SCTE records for students who are CTE Pathway Completers for this current academic year. SCTE records will now require the academic year value and so ONLY CTE Pathway completers for 2024-25 must be reported with a SCTE record.
End of Year 2 Submission
EOY 2 Changes
No Changes in EOY 2 reporting
However, LEAs must
- Take care of CARS certification early
- Determine who in your LEA oversees CARS certification and work with them.
- Submit and certify EOY 2 early, since the program records may already be available in from extract from your SIS.
Get CARS guidance and updates here: https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/co/cars.asp
Run 2023-2024 Certified report 5.1 to determine last year’s designation for each school. Coordinate with business office or CARS person to certify correct data.
What files should LEAs submit for EOY 2?
Programs expected to be submitted
Code |
Program |
Type |
122 |
Title I Part A Basic Targeted |
Federal |
174 |
Title I Part A Neglected |
Federal |
192 |
Armed Forces Family Member |
Federal |
101 |
504 Accommodation Plan |
State |
108 |
Opportunity Program |
State |
113 |
California Partnership Academy |
State |
162 |
Pregnant or Parenting Programs (formerly Cal-SAFE) |
State |
EOY 2 Important Reminder
CARS certification must be done early. Certified status for each school under the LEA will affect the CALPADS expected schools table in relation to who are and are not required to submit Title I Targeted program data.
Below are recommended steps in ensuring CARS and EOY2 certification are accomplished without any delays.
- Run Report 5.1 certified from EOY 2 2023-24.
- Determine who is responsible for Title I funding/ CARS in your LEA. Work with your CARS person to verify each schools’ current designation.
- CARS person must accurately certify CARS flagging each school as either Schoolwide or not
- Report Program 122 records of eligible students of Title I Part A Targeted schools in CALPADS. Schoolwide schools automatically count all enrolled students and so does not require any SPRG records.
- Run Snapshot 5.1 for EOY 2 2024-25.
- Confirm counts for Targeted and Schoolwide schools.
Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Resource
This is the main resource regarding Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program.
Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance School Program Resource
This is the main resource regarding Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program.
End of Year 3 Submission
EOY 3 Changes
Students Details UI will now display the SINC/SOFF/SIRS data in separate containers.
Validation Errors
- Convert CVRs to DD/CDDs
- Add Age Validation on Pregnant and Parenting (162) and Homeless (191) Records
- NEW Fatal DD/CDD SIRS0704E3 - Missing Student Offense (SOFF) Record for student with an Incident Result for a reportable offense
- Modify SENR0012 to refine logic to be AY specific and split into 2 DDs
- STAS from NPS schools no longer permitted to be submitted
- SENR0695E3 - won't trigger on NSP students missing the STAS
- SENR0651E3 - will trigger if you submit STAS (even exemptions) for NPS student
EOY Report Changes (SN, SELPA, C/A)
- Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) Reporting for EOY3 (Phase 1 for 24/25)
- Modify accountability reports by including the LTEL information to the cohort process and cohort reports level reports.
- 15.1 Cohort Report - Counts and Rates (Add LTEL Filter Y/N option)
- 15.2 Cohort Student List (Add LTEL Filter Y/N and Long-Term English Learner column )
What files should LEAs submit for EOY 3?
- Student Incident (SINC)
- Student Incident Result (SIRS)
- Student Offense (SOFF)
- Student Absence Summary (STAS)
- Student Program (SPRG) (For Homeless students)
- Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) (To update possible RFEP and ADEL students)
- Student Enrollment (SENR) (To closeout enrollment records at the end of the academic year.)
EOY 3 Reminders
Incident files must be submitted and posted in the sequence listed above. Also, users should be aware of the default file upload processing method employed by each file.
Student enrollment must only be closed out at the end of the academic year. If students are still testing (CAASPP or ELPAC), it is important that the SENR record be left open.
When to submit an Incident record
LEAs are expected to report Incident records for the following:
(1) Incidents involving violations of Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915 even if they did not result in suspension or expulsion and;
(2) Incidents resulting in the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion even if they were not a result of a violation of Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915
For additional , please refer to the following
- Data Guide Chapter 2.1.4.
- California Education Code Section 49005.1 for specific definitions of restraint and seclusion.
- FLASH #159 for a summary of the discipline file restructuring.
Incident Reporting Reminders
Users should be aware of some nuances when reporting Incident Data.
Incident Records can be submitted through Batch upload or manual posting at the Incident data page. However, a user cannot submit using a combination of both process for the same incident. If a user decides to upload a SINC file for an incident, then the SIRS and SOFF must be reported through batch as well. If a user decides to manually add an incident online, then the corresponding SIRS and SOFF section can be added in the same transaction.
When Submitting through batch upload, the sequence of submission and posting should be in the order listed below. Each file must contain all reportable incidents and all have zero errors before moving on to the next file.
Although there are 3 distinct file types, users will not be able to see the Incident result information in both Student Details (Incident Results) and Incident Data section until both the SINC and SIRS record are posted.
All 3 files use Replacement Processing
- Records are processed based on the operational key. Records may be replaced using transaction types of “” (empty string), or “ “ (space), or “R” (Replace) all of which cause invoke the same system behavior. Submitted data are processed using the operational key to identify which records will be processed. For batch, all the records in CALPADS with the same operational key are deleted even if only one record with that operational key was submitted and all newly submitted records in the submission with the same operational key or any other operational key are added. For online maintenance, individual records in CALPADS with the same primary key are deleted and replaced.
The table below depicts the processing type and operational key for the various CALPADS record types.
- When deleting an entire incident either through batch or online maintenance, please delete in the opposite order of incident file submission. Delete SOFF, SIRS and then SINC.
Record Type | Processing Type | Operational Key |
Student Incident | Replacement Processing | School of Attendance, Academic Year ID, Incident Local ID |
Student Incident Result | Replacement Processing | School of Attendance, Academic Year ID, Incident Local ID |
Student Offense | Replacement Processing | School of Attendance, Academic Year ID, Incident Local ID |
Incident Training Resource for NPS
Student Discipline NPS Reporting 2021-2022 Webinar
NPS Student Incident Guide
End of Year 4 Submission
EOY 4 Changes
Validation Errors
- Convert CVRs to DD/CDDs
- Remove PLAN0620E4 reference to " null SWDS records" and add EOY 4 PLAN0673E4 DD/CDD that is looking for plan records with NO SWDS records
- PSTS0481 - Exclude N470s from validation
- Modify DD/CDD SWDS0605 E4 to account for new status/ non-participation reason code
- Add new DD/CDD validation (PLAN0680E4) to PLAN record to prevent certification of CLOSED DSEA for EOY4
- EOY 4 - Add new PLAN and SWDS DD/CDD validations for effective start date to prevent start dates prior to students birthday.
- Modify CDD/DD SENR0650E4 to include 2/31 and specifically 3/31 status/non participation status combinations
- Modify MEET0624E4 - to exclude Evaluation Type 10, 15 from trigger
EOY Report Changes (SN, SELPA, C/A)
- Monitoring Reports: Add New aggregated (not certified)/Student Details Annual Service Reports for Unduplicated Cumulative Services at School level (school where student enrolled)
- Modify SELPA and SN EOY 4 16.14 report to add enrollment exit date, Enrollment Start Date, and Enrollment status Code, Enrollment Exit Reason, Enrollment Completion code
- Rename SN/SELPA EOY 4 16.12 rename "Total Unduplicated Count" to "Total Unduplicated by Plan Count" and confirm student counts once in each plan
- EOY: Modify C/A reports - Add Revision Status Filter to View Certified (SELPA Approved) and Revised Uncertified (LEA Approved/Not Approved)
- EOY 4: SN/SELPA Reports 16.22 and 16.23 - Update to Include SWDS Status = 2, 3, and 4 for reporting period that doesn't overlap an Enrollment
What files should LEAs submit for EOY 4?
- SWDS Eligibility (SWDS)
- Special Education Plan (PLAN)
- Special Education Meeting (MEET)
- Special Education Services (SERV)
- Postsecondary Status (PSTS)
Note: All EOY 4 files will come from the Special Education System and sent to CALPADS through API. Except for the PSTS file, all files must be submitted and posted in the sequence listed above. Also, you should be aware of the default file upload processing method employed by each file.
LEA must also maintain updated student enrollment and demographic information.
Can we Start submitting data now?
Absolutely YES! In fact, we encourage you to start now. Start uploading data for the following:
EOY 2, majority of the SPRG records may already be in your SIS. Start uploading relevant program records now. Work with your CARS coordinator to identify schools that are Title 1 School wide and Title Targeted assistance, to determine what schools need to be reported with students' Program 122 records.
EOY 4, work with your SPED data submitter, making sure SWDS, MEET, PLAN records are constantly updated. Do not wait until May or June to update their status.
EOY 1, although grades for the last semester or quarter may still be pending, semester 1, quarter 1, Trimester 1 and 2 grades may now be submitted through the SCSC together with the CRSC records.
Lastly EOY 3, start uploading Incident records (SINC, SIRS, SOFF) and to check for discrepancies. Request data from NPS schools early, so you can provide them feedback for any discrepancies.
Order of Certification
EOY 3 has the bulk of the enrollment. In an effort to make sure all the enrollment records are accounted for, EOY 3 should be completed first.The recommended order of certification is: EOY 3, 2, 4, 1.
Submission Strategies
Things to consider prior to submitting and certifying EOY:
Personal considerations
- What is your easiest file to submit?
- How much is your workload?
- Do you have other staff to rely on?
- When is your summer break/vacation?
Local factors
- Availability of school site staff and district personnel, internal deadlines
Priority of data submitted
- Perkins funding data, Public data statistics, Cohort results
Potential reporting milestones
- When is your district's last day of new enrollments?
- When are final grades available?
- When is last day of school?
CALPADS Deadlines
- Benefits and consequences of meeting the initial
- EOY deadline and amendment window deadline
EOY Gameplan
Identify Stakeholders, contributors, subject matter experts
- Brainstorm, list and the owners of EOY data and the stewards
Define stakeholder responsibilities and participation
- Use RACI Matrix, Roles and responsibility charts to outline submission and certification duties for - EOY stakeholders, site leaders
- Clearly define your role
Set expectations for submission and reporting
- Make a training calendar
- Create timeline for local milestones, use Submission Checklist
Create an understanding what success is
- Find a consensus on a reasonable certification date
- Explain the consequences of failing to review reports (dashboard, cohort)
Impact of not certifying
There are the major consequences if your LEA does not submit and certify data for EOY by the prescribed timeline.
Download: How CALPADS Data are Used and Consequences PDF version
EOY Learning Resources
CSIS Channel
Includes self-paced training presentations, weekly Q & A recordings as well as recordings of other CALPADS related events.
Bridge LMS
CALPADS Learning contains required self-paced classes, course programs and access to register for live training classes.
Training Resource
FCMAT/CSIS website stores valuable tools and training resources which LEAs may download and use as reference for CALPADS work.
The CA Department of Education's portal to all CALPADS resources, department communications, and access to other education-related agencies.
CALPADS System Documents
The following documents provide additional information regarding the operation and data submission requirements in relation to Fall 2.
CALPADS File Specifications
This document provides detailed information about the input files that are used to batch load data into CALPADS.
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
This spreadsheet provides detailed information about the input file requirements that are used to batch load data into CALPADS.
CALPADS Error List
This document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS. It also provide suggested resolutions.
CALPADS Data Guide
The CALPADS Data Guide provides information for LEAs regarding the data to be submitted to CALPADS. Information in the guide includes guidelines regarding how LEAs should prepare for each submission, as well as information regarding how given data are used.
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. CALPADS course codes (formerly CBEDS course codes) are included in this document (see the "Course Group State" code set).
Retired Course Code Mapping for 2019-20
This document contains a list of state course codes and non-classroom based assignment codes that were retired at the end of 2018-19 and their recommended replacements for the 2019-20 year.
CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
This document lists codes that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS.
Where to get Support
ConApp Support:
For CONAPP questions in relation to Title I Part A Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance school designation:
ConApp Support Desk | conappsupport@cde.ca.gov | 916-319-0297
- Web Form: Click Here
- Email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
- Voicemail for CALPADS Support: (916) 325-9210
- FCMAT/CSIS Online Support Form Click Here
- Email: support@fcmat.org
- Voicemail for FCMAT/CSIS Support: (916) 325-9210