Student Course Section (SCSE and SCSC)

The Student Course Section List page displays, on the Student Detail page, with the selected student’s key elements across the top of the page. The system will bring in the Student Course Section (enrollment and completion) records related to the student within the container, with the most recent history first. The user can paginate through the history to find the desired record. The user must first select the course and course section in order to view and manage the Student Course Section records. Users may have the ability to edit records that are owned by the LEA, and if the role is assigned by your LEA Administrator allows you to edit the Student Course Section records. An authorized user may perform the following functions through this interface:

Account Roles Needed

Users need the following roles to access and edit this section of the Student Details page.

  • Student Search
  • SCSE Edit
  • SCSE View
  • SCSC Edit
  • SCSC View

An authorized user may perform the following functions through this interface:

  • View a selected course section’s list of students
  • Select to update, add or delete a student course section record
  • Select to validate the SSIDs in the student course section records
  • Submit the updated/added student course section records to be posted in the ODS

When to submit a Student Course Enrollment record for Fall 2

These are the School Types that need to be submit Fall 2 data. Some school types are Permitted to upload data while others are required. Some school types, are not expected or allowed to submit certain Record Types.

Course and staff data need to be reported by all schools except NPS schools and ROP/C. Although NPS and ROP/C schools do not report students, students receiving services at these schools usually still need to be reported by their district of residence.

Reporting is also based on grade level. Some grade levels are not expected or allowed to submit data.

Users must review this list carefully for proper reporting.

School Types

School Type CRSE Staff EL Services
Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y Y Y
District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P P P
County Community Y Y Y
District Community Day Y Y Y
Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) Y Y Y
Juvenile Court Schools Y Y Y
Continuation High Schools Y Y Y
Opportunity Y Y Y
Alternative Schools of Choice Y Y Y
State Special Schools Y Y N
Home and Hospital Schools Y Y Y
Special Education Consortium Y Y Y
Special Education Y Y Y
Non-Public School Group (0000001) N N N

NOTE: NPS and ROP/ROC sites do not report to CALPADS however data must still be reported for public school students attending these sites, usually by the district of residence

Grade Level

Grade SCSE Staff EL Services
Infants - IN N N N
Toddlers - TD N N N
Prekindergarten - PS N N N
Kindergarten - KN Y Y Y
First Grade - 01 Y Y Y
Second Grade – 02 Y Y Y
Third Grade – 03 Y Y Y
Fourth Grade – 04 Y Y Y
Fifth Grade – 05 Y Y Y
Sixth Grade – 06 Y Y N
Seventh Grade – 07 Y Y Y
Eighth Grade – 08 Y Y Y
Ninth Grade – 09 Y Y Y
Tenth Grade – 10 Y Y Y
Eleventh Grade – 11 Y Y Y
Twelfth Grade – 12 Y Y Y
Adult – AD N N N

Letter Y = Expected to submit

Letter N = NOT allowed to submit data

Letter P = Permitted but not expected to submit data

When to submit a Student Course Completion records for EOY 1

These are the School Types that need to be submit EOY 1 data. Some school types are Permitted to upload data while others are required. Some school types, are not expected or allowed to submit certain Record Types.

Course (CRSC) and staff demographic data (SDEM) need to be reported by all schools except NPS schools and ROP/C. Although NPS and ROP/C schools do not report students, students receiving services at these schools usually still need to be reported by their district of residence.

Reporting is also based on grade level. For EOY 1 SCSC records for grade levels K-6 should not be reported. Grades 7-8 in departmental classes are optional, while grades 9-12 are required.

Users must review this list carefully for proper reporting.

School Types

School Type CRSC Staff CTE
Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y Y Y
District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P P P
County Community P P Y
District Community Day P P Y
Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) P P Y
Juvenile Court Schools P P Y
Continuation High Schools P P Y
Opportunity P P Y
Alternative Schools of Choice Y Y Y
State Special Schools Y Y N
Home and Hospital Schools P P Y
Special Education Consortium P P Y
Special Education P P Y
Non-Public School Group (0000001) N N N

NPS and ROP/ROC sites do not report to CALPADS however data must still be reported for public school students attending these sites, usually by the district of residence

Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program

Grade Level

Grade SCSC Staff CTE
Infants - IN N N N
Toddlers - TD N N N
Prekindergarten - PS N N N
Kindergarten - KN N N N
First Grade - 01 N N N
Second Grade – 02 N N N
Third Grade – 03 N N N
Fourth Grade – 04 N N N
Fifth Grade – 05 N N N
Sixth Grade – 06 N N N
Seventh Grade – 07 P P P
Eighth Grade – 08 P P P
Ninth Grade – 09 Y Y Y
Tenth Grade – 10 Y Y Y
Eleventh Grade – 11 Y Y Y
Twelfth Grade – 12 Y Y Y
Adult – AD N N N

Letter Y = Expected to submit

Letter N = NOT allowed to submit data

Letter P = Permitted but not expected to submit data

Accessing Student Course Section Interface

Users can access the student course section in 2 ways:

  • Through the Student Course container located in the Student Details page.
  • Through the Course Data Page.

Student Course Section Container

The “Student Course Section interface” displays when the user clicks the Student Course Section container header under the “Student Details” page to view, add or edit a selected student’s Student Course Section (SCSE/SCSC) data. The system will display the student’s historical records. If a user clicks either the “Open” or “Add New Record” button the system will display the “Student Course Section” modal page with the respective fields populated with either values from the student’s existing record or the specified system default values.

The “Student Course Section interface” displays when the user clicks the Student Course Section cntainer header under the “Student Details” page to view, add or edit a selected student’s Student English language Acquisition (SELA) data. The system will display the student’s historical records. If a user clicks either the “Open” or “Add New Record” button the system will display the “Student Course Section” modal page with the respective fields populated with either values from the student’s existing record or the specified system default values.

Letter A Clicking on the Student Course Section banner expands the container and reveals existing records.

Letter B Add New Record button enables user to create a new Student Course Section record.

Letter C Container column headers enable users to sort or filter existing records based on parameters set.

Letter D Open button enable users to view details of the record. If the LEA owns the record and the user has Edit Roles, the record details can be modified.

Letter E Since the container only shows limited records at a time, the page buttons allow users to move to the next set of records.

Course Data Page

Accessing Student Course Page through Course Data.

Number 1 From the Left Navigation, click on Course Data.

Number 2 Since all course sections records are listed and sorted by state course code, user can take advantage of the filter option to narrow search.

Number 3 Locate the Course section you want to enroll a student in or edit.

Number 4 Click on Student Course Section button to access the student course section list

Number 5 Clicking on Add New Student button enables user to enroll the student to the course. Clicking on the Open button enables users to edit/delete a student course enrollment record.

Student Course Section Details

The Student Course Section Detail page allows an authorized user to add/update a selected student's course section information. The user may also delete the record once the course record information has been viewed. This page displays when the user selects the Open or Add New Record buttons from the Student Course container.

Student Course Section Details and Table

Student Course Record Modal

Student Course Section Details and Table

# Screen Label Required Validation/Business Rule
1        Academic Year N/A N/A
2        Submission Type N/A N/A
3        Reporting LEA N/A Should reflect the LEA CDS code associated to the submitter
4       School of Course Delivery N/A Should reflect one of the LEA's schools CDS codes. For Charter schools, The CDS code should be the same as the Reporting LEA CDS code.
5        CRS-State Course N/A The State Course Code represents a general subject area. Generally, different local courses may map into the same state course code.
6        CRS-Local Course ID Y This element is used to connect given students enrolled in given courses to the course section records.
7        CRS-Course Name Y N/A
8        Academic Term Code N/A This element represents the term in which a given course section occurred.
9        Course Section ID N/A Course Section sequence is by Academic Term
10     Class ID N/A N/A
11    Staff SEID-Local ID-Name N/A Must be a valid SEID or ‘9999999999’
12     SSID Y
13     Student Local ID Y
14     Student Name Y If the SSID is valid, the Student Name will be populated.
15     Marking Period Code Y This element is used to report the period within a course section in which a course mark is given to a student for a particular grade.
16     Student Credits Attempted Yes, if Record Type Code = SCSC This element represents the number of credits attempted. This is required only for students in grades 9–12 in departmentalized courses if credits are issued.
17     Student Credits Earned Yes, if Record Type Code = SCSC and Grade Level Code is 9-12 This element reflects the number of credits earned. This is required only for students in grades 9–12 in departmentalized courses if credits are issued.
18     Student Course Final Grade Yes, if Record Type Code = SCSC This element reflects the final grade received. This is required only for students in grades 7–12 in departmentalized courses. If no credits are issued (e.g., standards-based grading), then either a translation should be made to a traditional grading scheme, or the courses cannot be reported.
19     UC/CSU Admission Requirement N This element indicates which UC/CSU course requirement is being met for a given student. It is a coded value representing a University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) college admission course requirement that a high school course has been determined to meet. This determination is made by the UC/CSU systems.
20     Carnegie Units Earned Yes, If Record Type Code = SCSC; And If CRS-State Course Code Not equal to 1000; And If Grade Level Code is 9-12 The Carnegie Unit is granted to a student completing approximately 120 hours of class in one subject over the course of one year. For example, a total of 120 hours in one subject—meeting 4 or 5 times a week for 40 to 60 minutes, for 36 to 40 weeks each year—earns the student one “Carnegie unit” of high school credit
A Delete Deletes existing Student Course Section record
B Cancel Cancels user out of modal and back to Student Course Section container
C Validate System runs validations against the selected matches. If successful, Post button become active.
D Go Back/Edit Allows User to go back and edit the values prior to re-validating the record for post.
E Post Posts edited/ added Student Course Section records

SCSE/SCSC Data Population Training

Additional Resources

CALPADS File SpecificationsForm

Look for Student Course Tab

CALPADS Data Guide

Chapter 2.3.5 provides additional information on Student Course section.


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. CALPADS course codes (formerly CBEDS course codes) are included in this document.