SSID Extract

(Updated as of 9/04/2024)

An LEA may request an extract of their SSID information from the CALPADS ODS through the CALPADS portal. CALPADS will create the extract file according to the user’s specified selection criteria. The SSIDs in the file may be imported into a local student information system and/or used locally on the user’s personal computing system.

Record Layout

The file will contain a list of SSIDs and limited demographics based on the selected filter criteria defined by the LEA. CALPADS will extract the SSIDs associated with the students currently enrolled in the LEA. The content of the SSID Extract file is listed in the table below.

SSID Extract Record Layout

# CALPADS File Element Max Length Business Rule
1   Reporting LEA 7 This will default to the institution identifier of the User ID. May not be blank.
2   School of Attendance 7 The 7 digit code associated with the student’s school of attendance. May not be blank.
3   SSID 10 The SSID for the student. If the SSID associated with the enrollment is retired, the system will populate the SSID field with the active SSID associated with the retired SSID. May not be blank.
4   Local Student ID 16 The student’s Local Identifier associated with the enrollment. May not be blank.
5   Student Legal Last Name 50 The Legal Last Name of the student. May not be blank.
6   Student Legal First Name 30 The Legal First Name of the student. May not be blank.
7   Student Legal Middle Name 30 The Legal Middle Name of the student. May be blank.
8   Gender Code 1 The Gender Code of the student. May not be blank.
9   Student Birth Date 8 The Birth Date of the student. May not be blank.
10  Enrollment Start Date 8 The Enrollment Start Date of the student. May not be blank.
11   Grade Level Code 2 The Grade Level of the student. May not be blank.
12   English Language Acquisition Status Code 4 The most recent English Language Acquisition Status Code from SELA table in ODS.
13   English Language Acquisition Status Start Date 8 The most recent English Language Acquisition Status Start Date from SELA table in ODS.
14   Primary Language 3 The most recent value from SELA table in ODS.
15   Date SSID Created 8 The date the SSID enrollment was created in CALPADS. May not be blank.
16   Student with Disabilities (SWD) Indicator 1 The Y/N indicating whether this student has an Active Plan within the Special Education (SPED) records overlapping the Enrollment.
17  Earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12 8 Earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12 DT 8 The earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12 from the SENR table in ODS.
18  Student Initial US School Enrol Dt K-12 8 Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 (Most recent) from SINF table in ODS.

File Format

The extract file created will be in caret delimited format. The structure of the file will conform to the order and data type listed in the Record Layout above. The date formats will follow the same formats required for the CALPADS File Formats (Format: CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20081025).

File Transmission

An LEA may request an SSID Extract file for a record type through the CALPADS portal. The SSID Extract function will allow an authorized user to specify selection criteria where applicable and request a file be created by the CALPADS application. The generated file will be available for download through CALPADS. The file will not be transmitted via email.

SSID Extract Request and Download Process

The image below depicts the process in requesting and downloading the file extract.

Date Range by SSID Created Date

SSID Extract by Date Range

 Date Range by SSID Created Date

Number 1 Click on Extracts link from the Left Navigation menu.

Number 2 Locate and click the SSID Extract option from the request CALPADS file buttons.

Number 3 A modal will appear, click on the Date Range button.

Number 4 By default, the LEA the user is associated to, is populated.

Number 5 Select specific school/s or ALL schools.

Number 6 Indicate Start and End date range. Result will include SSID records of all enrollments within the specified date range.

Number 7 Select one or more specific grade levels or select All

Number 8 Name requested extract file (optional)

Number 9 Name requested extract file (optional)

Number 10 Under Submitted Extracts, locate the your file request and click on Download once the requested file is ready.

SSID Extract by Date Range

Date Range by Enrollment Date

SSID Extract by Date Range

SSID Extract by Date Range

Number 1 Click on Extracts link from the Left Navigation menu.

Number 2 Locate and click the SSID Extract option from the request CALPADS file buttons.

Number 3 A modal will appear, click on the Date Range button.

Number 4 By default, the LEA the user is associated to, is populated.

Number 5 Select specific school/s or ALL schools.

Number 6 Indicate Start and End date range. Result will include SSID records of all enrollments within the specified date range.

Number 7 Check box to only include SSID record of only most recent enrollment.

Number 8 Select one or more specific grade levels or select All

Number 9 Name requested extract file (optional)

Number 10 Click on the Request File button to execute the request.

Number 11 Under Submitted Extracts, locate the your file request and click on Download once the requested file is ready.

SSID Extract by Date Range