Multiple Identifier (MID) Resolutions

Please refer to the Post Process Redevelopment Primer page on how to resolve MIDs.

The MID Resolution provides authorized users the functionality to view the current MID Sets as well as resolve the anomalies.

A user may perform the following SSID Anomaly functions through this interface:

  • View the list of MID anomalies
  • Resolve the anomaly by combining SSIDs with the Focus ID or marking SSIDs as a known non-anomaly with the Focus ID
  • Filter the results displayed on the page
  • Post records to the ODS
  • View and download the Unresolved MIDs Report
  • View and download the Resolved MIDs Report
  • Select a candidate’s name link to view the student’s details

MID Resolution User Roles

The following roles are needed to view and resolve concurrent enrollments:

  • Anomaly Contact
  • SENR View
  • SENR Edit

Definition of a Multiple Identifier Anomaly

A Multiple Identifier (MID) Anomaly occurs when two or more students have exactly matching or very similar demographics. The anomaly points out the potential for one student to have multiple Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs). Since a student should have only one SSID, an anomaly detection process is run weekly to detect MIDS (along with Concurrent Enrollment Anomalies and Exit Reason Discrepancy Anomalies) in the Operational Data Store (ODS) and nightly during a Data Submission Window to detect these anomalies in the State Reporting Snapshot Database.

MID Detection Process

In order to determine if a Multiple Identifier Anomaly exists, a MID detection process is run weekly throughout the academic year against the Operational Data Store (ODS). The SSIDs analyzed are determined based on a CALPADS Reporting Calendar, which is specified by CDE. The Reporting Calendar generally relates to an upcoming/occurring data submission; however, CDE can define a calendar to address any period for analysis. Any SSID is analyzed that, as of the processing date, had/has/will have an open enrollment on any date during the Calendar Report Period. (See Glossary for the definition of Reporting Calendar, Report Period, and Open Enrollment.)

Each time the process is run, SSIDs within each MID Group, with an open enrollment during the Calendar Report Period, are matched against each other, using the SSID Matching Logic

  • Student Legal Name (First, Last, Suffix),
  • Student Alias Name (First, Last),
  • Gender Code,
  • Birth Date (Day, Month, Year),
  • Birth State Province Code,
  • Birth Country Code

where the latter two are optional fields that are used only when the data is available for all members of the MID Group being analyzed. SSIDs with a matching score of 95 or greater, a configurable threshold, are included in a MID Anomaly Set. The result is one or more MID Anomaly Sets within a MID Group.

The process selects the SSIDs with open enrollments (during the Calendar period being analyzed) from the MID Group and then sorts them by the Student School Start Date in the enrollment record of the selected SSIDs, with the most recent Start Date sorted first. The first SSID with an active enrollment record is scored against all other SSIDs with open enrollments selected from the MID Group. (See Glossary for definition of Active Enrollment) If there are two SSIDs with an active enrollment record with the same Start Date, the SSID with the most recent create date is used. If matches are found, a MID Set is created and the matched SSIDs are assigned to the Set. The next SSID in the Group with an active enrollment record that is not already a part of a Set is matched against all other unassigned SSIDs in the selected collection of records (including SSIDs without an active enrollment record with an earlier Start Date that remain unassigned). If matches are found, another MID Set is created to which these SSIDs are assigned. All remaining members of the MID Group are scored in the same manner as above.

Once the process has analyzed SSIDs using active enrollment records, the same process is performed analyzing the remaining unassigned SSIDs with enrollments that are not active. Any SSIDs that are not matched remain within the MID Group, but do not get assigned to a MID Set. This process is repeated for all MID Groups. When the process completes, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that have an SSID in a Set are notified of the MID Anomaly via the Portal.

Multiple Identifiers (MIDs) Resolutions Interface

The User Interface is depicted immediately below followed by a screen elements table, a user interaction section, and a system operations section with the available system functions, requirements, and possible processes that may occur through this interface.

MID User Interface

MID Options

Screen Label Required Validation/Business Rule
Resolve MID Not on Report N/A If selected, the system will display the Other MID Resolution page.
View Unresolved MIDs Report N/A If clicked, the system will display the Unresolved Multiple Identifiers Report.
View Resolved MIDs Report N/A If clicked, the system will display the Resolved Multiple Identifiers Report.
Download Replacement SSIDs N/A If clicked, the system will display the Request SSID Extract (CALPADS SSID Enrollment Chapter 2 User Interface 20081114 v.03 Final.doc – Figure 2-19) screen.

Filter Options

A user may utilize the Filter Option selections to either reduce the number of results or to display specific results based on the following criteria:

Screen Label Required Validation/Business Rule
Reporting LEA Y Field must meet the specified CALPADS’ data validations and rules requirements for local identifiers.
School If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N
Disposition If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N Selections: ALL, Ready, Selected, Posted, Cancelled, Failed
Focus ID Status If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N Selections: ALL, Active, Inactive
MID Ownership If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N
SSID N/A Must be a valid value.
Local ID N/A Must be a valid value; must also match the Local ID of the SSID value in the filed above if one is entered.
Apply Filters N/A If selected, the system will base search on selected filter criteria options then either display the filtered list of records or display a message that no records were found based on the filter criteria.
·        When the Apply Filters button is clicked, and there are no MID anomalies for the selected Filter Options values, the system shall display “There are no MID Anomaly records for the entered/selected criteria.”
·        When the Apply Filters button is clicked, and the user entered SSID and/or Local ID is in a MID Set, but does not have any Enrollment records in the user’s LEA, the system displays “This student does not have an enrollment record in your LEA”.
Reset Filters N/A If selected, the system will reset all the filter criteria fields to the default values.

Results Elements Table

Screen Label Required Validation/Business Rule
Actions Opens the MID details page
Disposition N/A The system will display the corresponding info to indicate the status of the MID Set based on that set’s Focus ID’s record status.
Student Name
Birth Date
Language N/A N/A
Birth State Province N/A N/A
Birth Country N/A N/A
Score N/A N/A
Grade Level N/A N/A
Enrollment Start Date N/A N/A
Local ID N/A N/A
Reporting LEA N/A N/A
School N/A N/A
Enrollment Exit Date N/A N/A
Exit Code N/A N/A
Page Navigation N/A If selected, the system displays the number of records indicated on one page; if selected, the system will display the Previous, Next or Last page of records.

MID Resolution Details Modal

MID Resolution Modal

Modal Key Elements

Letter A Disposition

Contains student enrollment summary from most current enrollment record.

Letter B SSIDs involved in MID

Identifies the two SSIDS involved in the MID.

Focus SSID - Indicates the SSID record in the MID enrollment set with the most recent Start Date.

Matching SSID - Indicates the other SSID record involved in the CCE.

Letter C Score

Calculated degree of match between potential MIDS

Letter D LEA/School Contact Information

List all users with the anomaly contact role associated to the other LEA involved in the MID

Resolving/Combining MIDS through Resolutions Interface

The Processed Date, located below the Filter Option box on the interface, indicates the date the nightly SSID Anomaly Process generated the displayed list of CCE anomalies. The process examines enrollments for a period of fourteen months prior to this date.

The user will also have the ability to view School Contact information in order to work with members involved in order to determine the correct resolution for the anomalies. The user may utilize the School, SSID, Disposition, Focus ID Status, MID Ownership, SSID, and Local ID Filter Options to either reduce the number of results shown or to display specific results based on the selections.

The MID Set is owned by the LEA associated with the Focus ID’s enrollment. The Focus ID of a MID Set is the SSID with the most recent Start Date and the SSID all members of the set were matched against. The Focus ID is always displayed in the first row of a MID Set. The owning LEA is given the option to resolve the anomaly by combining an SSID with the Focus ID or marking it as a Different student than the Focus ID. Once the user selects either the Combine or Different resolution, the system will complete the resolution of the anomaly based on the user selections. If the user selects to combine SSIDs, the system will keep the SSID with the earliest creation date and retire all other SSIDs marked to combine. If the user marks an SSID as Different, the system will disassociate the specified SSID with the Focus ID.

MID Sets that have not been resolved and posted to the ODS have the disposition of Ready. Once a record is posted to the ODS, the record’s disposition changes to Posted. Once posted, the MID Set is no longer available for selection.

Step 1. From the Left Navigation menu, click on Online Maintenance. Click on Anomalies Management and then click on Maintain Multiple Identifier (MID) link.

Placeholder image

Step 2. A user may utilize the Filter Option selections to either reduce the number of results or to display specific results based on the following criteria:

Placeholder image

Screen Label Required Validation/Business Rule
Reporting LEA Y Field must meet the specified CALPADS’ data validations and rules requirements for local identifiers.
School If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N
Disposition If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N Selections: ALL, Ready, Selected, Posted, Cancelled, Failed
Focus ID Status If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N Selections: ALL, Active, Inactive
MID Ownership If selecting to Apply Filters then Y, else N
SSID N/A Must be a valid value.
Local ID N/A Must be a valid value; must also match the Local ID of the SSID value in the filed above if one is entered.

Step 3. Select the MID record and click on the Open button to reveal the anomaly details. It contains the 2 SSIDs causing the MID as well as the student details for comparison. After scrutinizing the 2 SSIDs student details, the user can either choose to combine the SSID, mark both as different, or do nothing by clicking on None. Users can also scroll further down and look at the other LEA anomaly contact to coordinate the resolution of the MID, if needed.

Placeholder image

Step 4. After making the selection, the user then select on the Post button to finalize the process. Or Cancel to disregard selections and exit the modal. If the 2 SSIDs have overlapping enrollments, the MID combine will not occur until the overlapping start and end dates in the actual enrollment records are corrected.

The MID Resolutions results will then reflect a "Posted" status to indicated the MID anomaly was processed.

Placeholder image

Resolve MID Not on Report

The Resolve MID Not on Report button enable users to manually combine SSIDs not included in the MID Resolution report. This feature is useful when the regular MID combine process through the report triggers and error because of potential overlapping enrollments between the two SSIDs.

Scenario A

  • Step 1. Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.]

Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

  • Step 2. Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

  • Step 3. If both SSIDs do not have overlapping enrollments, the modal will indicate what SSID will be retained and retired.

Scenario B

  • Step 1. Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

  • Step 2. Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

  • Step 3. If both SSIDs have overlapping enrollments, the modal will trigger a validation error either because (1) Combination includes an open enrollment that is not the focus ID or (2) The update will create one or more overlapping enrollments. Any LEA involved with the overlap will need to correct the enrollment record to avoid overlap before the system will combine the SSIDs.

If both SSIDs have overlapping enrollments, the modal will trigger a validation error either because (1) Combination includes an open enrollment that is not the focus ID or (2) The update will create one or more overlapping enrollments. Any LEA involved witht he overlap will need to correct the enrollment record to avoid overlap before teh system will combine the SSIDs.

  • Step 4. Search for the two SSIDs under online Maintenance and verify for enrollments that overlap.

Search for the two SSIDs under online Maintenance and verify for enrollments that overlap.

  • Step 5. If the user own both SSIDs, they should be able to edit the enrollments. Otherwise, they will need to contact the other LEA owning the record with the overlap and request they make the necessary corrections on the enrollment dates.

The SSID with earliest enrollment start date will be retained. So when adjusting the enrollment dates for each SSID, please make sure:

  1. The desired SSID to be retained has the earliest enrollment start date.
  2. Users may temporarily exit the both enrollments with an N470. Make sure both records will have enrollment dates that do not overlap.

Student enrollment modal for both SSID showing enrollment corrected start dates that will not overlap.

Image of final enrollment record after enrollment was corrected

  • Step 6. Once the enrollmenst between the 2 SSIDs are fixed, users again enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Once the enrollmenst between the 2 SSIDs are fixed, users again enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on **Validate**.

  • Step 7. A new modal shoudl pop up with a "Validation Successful" message as well as the SSID that will be retained and retired. Click on the "Combine" button to finish the process.

A new modal should pop up with a "Validation Successful" message as well as the SSID that will be retained and retired. Click on the "Combine" button to finish the process.

  • Step 8. A ""Post Successfull" notification will appear once the Combine button is clicked.

A ""Post Successful" notification will appear once the **Combine** button is clicked.

  • Step 9. To confirm the success of the MID combine, search for the retired SSID. The system will show a notification that the SSID was retired and reflect the retained SSID. User can click on the results to look at teh enrollment record.

A ""Post Successful" notification will appear once the **Combine** button is clicked.

MID Combine Rules

When the Combine SSIDs button is clicked, the system performs the following rule processing when the user selects the Resolve Multiple Identifiers radio buttons:

  • If the Combine radio button is selected, the system will determine whether there is an open enrollment at another LEA associated with the SSID that will be retired (i.e., SSID to Combine).

  • If the SSID to retire does not have an open enrollment associated with another LEA, the system shall perform processing for combining the data from the SSID to be retired with the Focus ID as well as all Enrollment, Discipline, English Language Acquisition Status, Course Section (Enrollment and Completion), Student Course Section (Enrollment and Completion), Program, Foster, Direct Certification and Grade Level records (which is now associated with the SENR record). This information will be merged and viewable to the LEA (as described in Section 4.1.3 Management of MID Anomalies). The system will display the follow update successful message: “Update(s) successful. For MID pairs marked as Combine, one or more of the Focus IDs have been retired. For MID pairs marked as Diff, the SSIDs were flagged as different students and will not be detected as a MID again.”

  • If the SSID to retire does have an open Enrollment record, the system will display the following unsuccessful MID Combination error message, “SSID xxxxxxxxx has an open Enrollment record in LEA xxxx”.

  • Direct Certification MID Merge process needs to take into account the business rules of Appendix C in the Direct Certification specifications and may likely results in merging multiple fields from multiple DC records in order to produce the final kept record.

  • If the Different (Diff) radio button is selected, the system will perform processing to flag the SSIDs as different students and will not detected as a MID again. The system will display the follow update successful message: “Update(s) successful. For MID pairs marked as Combine, one or more of the Focus IDs have been retired. For MID pairs marked as Diff, the SSIDs were flagged as different students and will not be detected as a MID again.”

  • Once the combined grade level records are displayed in the student enrollment record, the LEA will be able to edit their own enrollment grade level record. The change is then validated, posted and displayed once again on the Enrollment History User Interface.

  • If the Known Non-Anomaly radio button is selected, the system will remove the SSID from the MID Set, mark the anomaly result, and associate the resolution with the SSID.

  • The MID Set remains in a Ready status until the Post Selected button is clicked, at which time the status is changed to ‘Posted’.

View Unresolved MIDs Report

This report identifies all of a school’s SSIDs that potentially have multiple SSIDs assigned (i.e., MID Anomaly). The SSIDs listed (i.e., MID Set) have exactly matching or very similar demographics. The MID Set contains SSIDs in the same school, in another school within the LEA, or in another LEA. All of the MID Sets in which an LEA has SSIDs are reported for the LEA.

The report displays the results of the most recent MID process, which is run weekly against the ODS throughout the Academic Year based on the Reporting Calendar which defines an upcoming Data Submission. It also runs nightly against the State Reporting Snapshot Database as a part of the Snapshot Process during a Data Submission Window. See Section 4.1 SSID Anomalies – Business Rules and Processes for an explanation of the MID process.

Step 1. Click on Unresolved MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

MID Resolution Buttons

  • Step 2. Select appropriate filter options desired (See Report Filters Table below for guidance on field rules.) Click on View Report button.

Report Filter Screen

Once the enrollment records between the 2 SSIDs are fixed, you again Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Report Filters

Filter Name Default Rules
LEA All LEAs valid for the security level of the User Options: Single/Many/All
School All schools valid for the LEA Options: Single/Many/All
SSID Blank Must be a valid value.
Local ID Blank Must be a valid value; must also match the Local ID of the SSID value in the filed above if one is entered.
Focus ID Status All Options: All; Active, Inactive Active is a MID with a Focus ID with an active enrollment; Inactive is a MID with Focus ID without an active enrollment.
MID Ownership All Options: All, Reporting LEA , Other LEA Reporting LEA is a MID with a Focus ID that belongs to the requesting LEA; Other LEA is a MID in which the requesting LEA has an SSID, but the Focus ID belongs to an LEA other than the requesting LEA.

Step 3. Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

Report Screen

Once the enrollment records between the 2 SSIDs are fixed, you again Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

View Resolved MIDs Report

This report identifies by school all of an LEA’s students whose Multiple Identifier (MID) anomaly has been resolved during the specified date range. The report include anomalies that were identified through the MID Anomaly process as well as anomalies that were identified by the user (i.e., SSIDs combined on the Other MID Resolution screen).

The User Resolutions include the following:

  • Combine – the user identified the SSID as a MID with the Focus ID
  • Known Non-Anomaly – the user identified the SSID as a non-MID with the Focus ID

Subsequent System Resolutions include:

  • Retire – the SSID in the anomaly is retired and the student’s information is attached to the SSID identified in the Resolution column
  • Keep – the SSID in the anomaly is retained, as represented in the Resolution column
  • Known Non-Anomaly – the SSID in the anomaly is removed as a potential duplicate of the SSID in the Resolution column

Step 1. Click on View Resolved MIDs Report button located at the top section of the page.

MID Resolution Buttons

  • Step 2. Select appropriate filter options desired (See Report Filters Table below for guidance on field rules.) Click on View Report button.

Report Filter Screen

Once the enrollmenst between teh 2 SSIDs are fixed, you again Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Report Filters

Filter Name Default Rules
Posted From / Through Date None SSIDs with MID Resolutions posted at any time during this period (From / Through dates inclusive) are included. From and Through can be the same date. Posted From Date is required. Posted From Date cannot be submitted for a prior academic year. If Posted Through Date is not supplied, default to current day’s date. If Posted Through Date is supplied, it cannot be greater than current date.
MID Ownership All Options: All, Reporting LEA, Other LEA. Reporting LEA is a MID with a Focus ID that belongs to the requesting LEA; Other LEA is a MID in which the requesting LEA has an SSID, but the Focus ID belongs to an LEA other than the requesting LEA.
LEA All LEAs valid for the security level of the User Options: Single/Many/All
School All schools valid for the LEA Options: Single/Many/All
SSID None Must be a valid value.
Local ID None Must be a valid value; must also match the Local ID of the SSID value in the filed above if one is entered.

Step 3. Click on Resolve MID Not on Report button located at the top section of the page.

Report Screen

Once the enrollmenst between teh 2 SSIDs are fixed, you again Enter the two SSIDs that needs to be combined. Click on Validate.

Download Replacement SSIDs

Step 1. Click on Download Replacement SSIDs button located at the top section of the MID resolution page to bring up the Download Replacement SSIDs modal.

Click on Download Replacement SSIDs button located at the top section of the page.

Step 2. Populate all required filters (with astersik*) in the modal. You also have the option to enter an extract file name. Click on the Request File button.

It brings up the Downlaod Replacement SSIDs modal

  • Note: If the Selected schools filter is left blank, CALPADS will include all schools in the request.

Step 3. A notification appears in the modal that the request was successful and to check back later to download the file.

A notification appears in the modal that the request was successful and to check back later to download the file.

Step 4: To download the requested extract, please click on Extracts from the Left-navigation menu and locate the request under Submitted Extracts.

To download the requested extract, please click on Extracts from the Left-navigation menu and locate the request under Submitted Extracts.