Welcome SELPA Users
Welcome to CALPADS. This primer will provide you the necessary tools in navigating through the CALPADS system and the different reporting requirements for which you are expected to comply.
Where Do I Start?
You will need to have access to CALPADS. Request for SELPA user accounts can be made by sending an email to calpads-support@cde.ca.gov. Once the ticket is received, the CDE will contact you shortly with the application and instructions. Each SELPA organization is allowed to have up to two SELPA accounts.
How Do I Connect to CALPADS?
Once you have received your CALPADS access, you may log in here: https://www.calpads.org. Upon logging in, please make sure that necessary SELPA roles have been assigned to your account.
SELPA Level Account Roles
SELPA accounts will be created by CDE and will be under the SELPA organization type. The following essential roles will enable you as a user to review data and reports and certify. However, you may add all the available SELPA roles to your account. Please refer to the User Roles table for a description of all the different available roles.

Essential Roles
SELPA Approval
- Provides functionality View and manage the SELPA approvals for submissions containing special education related data files.
- Enables user to automatically receive and send canned CALPADS email notification to LEAs about approvals and disapprovals.
SELPA Reports
- Provides functionality to view reports either through the Certification Status page or the SELPA Reports page.
Student Search
- Provides functionality to perform search for a student and access the Student Details page.
- Provides functionality to only view Student Special Education Program (SPED) records via Online Maintenance.
- Provides functionality to only submit Student Special Education Program (SPED) and Student Services (SSRV) batch files through API.
- Request and retrieve ODS SPED and SSRV Extracts via UI.
A user may have this role assigned only if the SELPA was given authorization to submit on behalf of LEAs as indicated in the SELPA application form.
How Do I Stay Informed?
CALPADS Listserv
You will want to subscribe to the CALPADS list serve, which is the CDE's primary method of communicating CALPADS related information such as deadlines, functionality, training, among other topics.
Subscribe here: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/listservs.asp
How Do I Get Training?
CALPADS Learning
Bridge Account Request
The next important step is to sign up for a CALPADS Bridge account for training. Up to two SELPA users are allowed access to the site. CALPADS Learning contains required self-paced classes, course programs and access to register for live training classes.
Please go to the CSIS/FCMAT website and follow the instructions in the image below for the steps in requesting an account.
Bridge Training for SELPA
Once you are provided a bridge account, log in to Bridge. Please watch the required training courses. You may also take the all available self-paced sessions that can be paused, rewound, etc. You may also register for live training courses that may be offered for SELPA users in the future.
CSIS Youtube
FCMAT/CSIS provides self-paced videos via YouTube that allow any user to view training presentations at their own pace. You may click on the logo above to viist our channel. Please subscribe to get notifications for new training videos.
Where is the CALPADS Documentation Located?
The following documents provide additional information regarding the operation and data submission requirements of CALPADS.
System Documentation
Current Known Issues List
This document lists the most current defects in CALPADS.
CALPADS File Specifications
This document provides detailed information about the input files that are used to batch load data into CALPADS.
CALPADS Error List
This document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS. It also provide suggested resolutions.
CALPADS Data Guide
The CALPADS Data Guide provides information for LEAs regarding the data to be submitted to CALPADS. Information in the guide includes guidelines regarding how LEAs should prepare for each submission, as well as information regarding how given data are used. This document is available through the CDE website on the CALPADS System Documentation.
CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures
The CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures document provides LEA staff with information about the business rules regarding obtaining Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) for enrolled students. The document also contains information for LEAs regarding the submission and maintenance of student school enrollment and exit data. This document is available through the CDE website on the CALPADS System Documentation.
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. CALPADS course codes (formerly CBEDS course codes) are included in this document (see the "Course Group State" code set).
CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
This document lists codes that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS.
Reporting Data for Students with Disabilities
This page provides common scenarios for determining which LEA is responsible for reporting SWD data, and which LEA will be held accountable on the Dashboard.
Report Mapping Guides
SELPA users will be reviewing and certifying 3 Fall 1 reports on their level. While LEA level will have access to 5. If you want details to the other reports you may request the report from the LEA or request to add your account to their LEA organization.
Fall 1 Report Mapping Guides
Aggregate Reports
Additional Supporting Reports
External Resources
CDE CALPADS Portal Resources
This is the homepage of the California Department of Education's CALPADS resource page.
CALPADS Flash Communications and more
This page contains communications related to CALPADS including flash communications, system updates, correspondence, and newsletters.
Frequently Asked Questions
CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
List of frequently asked questions for CALPADS.
Race and Ethnicity FAQ
Lists frequently asked questions for Federal Standards for Collecting and Reporting Race and Ethnicity Categories.
Other CDE Resources
Nonpublic Schools (NPS) & Nonpublic Agencies (NPA) Certification Resource
Searchable databases and software for reporting and retrieving special education related information.
Nonpublic Schools (NPS) & Nonpublic Agencies Certification Data Worksheet
The Nonpublic Schools and Agencies (NPS/As) spreadsheet contains certification information regarding all of the NPS/As certified by the California Department of Education.
CDE School Directory
The California School Directory (Directory) contains information about California public schools, private schools (including nonpublic nonsectarian schools), school districts, and county offices of education.
Support Information
Remember, the CALPADS Service Desk is here to assist you any step of the way. Please contact us if you need help getting oriented with CALPADS.
- Web Form: Click Here
- Email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
- Voicemail for CALPADS Support: (916) 325-9210