Report 15.2 - Cohort Outcome - Student Details

(Updated 04/15/2024)

Description: Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate view from the Cohort Outcome – Counts and Rates report.

Report Type: ODS

Data As Of: User Defined

Data As Of: User Defined

Security Role(s) Required: SENR View Role

LEA or School level org type with SENR View can access report.

Basic selection criteria:

2023/24 Four Year Cohort Membership Grade Level Academic Year Range

  • Grade 09 - July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
  • Grade 10 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
  • Grade 11 - July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
  • Grade 12 - July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Students are determined in the cohort based on initial high school enrollment grade level record falling within the 2023/24 Membership date range above.

  • Grade Level = 9 -12
  • Membership Enrollment Date Range = 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2024
  • Outcome - Final Exit Date Range (Cohort Period) = 7/1/2020 - 8/15/2024
  • Cohort Report Processing Window = 4/11/2021 – 8/16/2024
  • Enrollment Status = 10 or (30 if > 30 days)
  • Student Exit Category Code <> N470, E125 or E170

Note: With the Cohort processing and reporting in CALPADS, LEAs can now view their current cohort counts and rates in CALPADS reports as well as future cohort counts and rates throughout the year up to four years.

Report Filters:

Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected.

  • Cohort Expected Graduation Year
  • LEA
  • School Type
  • School
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Title 1 Part C Migrant
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged
  • English Learner
  • Foster Youth
  • Homeless Program Eligible
  • Directly Certified
  • Seal of Biliteracy
  • Golden State Seal of Merit Diploma
  • Graduates with Local Exemptions
  • CTE Completer
  • UC/CSU Requirements Met
  • Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Program Completion Indicator
  • Pre-Apprenticeship Program (non-Registered) Completion Indicator
  • State or Federal Job Program Completion Indicator
  • Work-based Learning Internship
  • Work-based Learning through Student Enterprise
  • Simulated Work-based Learning
  • Transition Work-based or Classroom-based Work Experience*
  • Transition Work-based Experience**
  • Transition Classroom-based Work Exploration**
  • Adult Age Student with Disabilities in Transition Status
  • Cohort Category

NOTE: The Cohort Expected Graduation Year filter enable users to select a future cohort year and see potential student cohort memberships for that year. This will allow users to see students who are expected to graduate in one-year, two-year, or three-years in the future and verify their first time 9th grade records sooner.

(*)Filter is kept for historical purposes, Cohort Years 2020-21 and prior combined both WBLR codes into one column.

(**) Filters created for Cohort Years 2021-22 and beyond.

Report Logic

Report115.2 Screenshot

Click image to expand

Column Rule
1 School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
2 School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
3 SSID Field 1.08 - Unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district of enrollment. This number follows the student throughout their enrollment within the California educational system.
4 SINF Field 2.11 and 2.13 - The Student Legal first and last name of the student identified from birth verification document or through legal adoption, or name change.
5 SENR Field 1.09 - Identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency.
6 SINF Field 2.19 - A coded value representing the person's gender.
7 SINF Fields 2.23 and 2.25 - Ethnicity reported for students identified as Hispanic. Student who are not Hispanic have their race reported
8 SINF Field 2.18 - The month, day, and year of the student's birth.
9 SPRG Field 3.13 = Title I Part C Migrant (135) where enrollment and program span the Cohort Period.
10 SPED record in ODS with Education Plan Type (Field 14.24) = 100 (IEP), 150 (IFSP), or 200 (ISP) AND (Plan Set Start Date <= Reporting Period Through (End) Date and either ((Plan Set has no End date) or (Plan Set Exit Date >= Reporting Period From (Start) Date))) OR SWDS Status Code (Field 22.12) = Eligible and Participating (1) and record effective during the Cohort Period
11 A yes or no indication of whether the student meets socio-economically disadvantage criteria where enrollment and program span the Cohort Period.
SINF Field 2.50 – Students with two parents/guardians will be included in the Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) accountability student group if both parents/guardians are not high school graduates. Students will not be included in the SED student group if one or more of the parents/guardians declines to state their Highest Education Level - OR
SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code equal to 181 (Free NSLP) or 182 (Reduced NSLP) and SPRG 3.15 – Ed Program Membership Start Date equal to or greater than 7/1/of start of Cohort Period and SPRG 3.16 – Ed Program Membership End date blank or equal to or greater than end of Cohort Period – OR
SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code = 135 (Migrant) or 191 (Homeless) and SPRG 3.15 – Ed Program overlaps the Cohort Period and SPRG 3.05 – School of Attendance is from ANY SENR transaction records for that student from the Cohort Period
Foster Youth Indicator equal to Y AND Episode Start date is effective at any point during the Cohort Period – OR
Direct Certification Indicator equal to Y AND Direct Certification Date is effective at any point during the Cohort Period – OR
Student enrolled at a Juvenile Court School on the final SENR record during the Cohort Period
12 SELA Field 12.13 - A yes or no indication of whether student's ELAS = EL AND SELA Field 12.15 is not equal to 00 or 37 at any point during the Cohort Period
13 Meets Criteria for Foster Youth Eligible at any time during the Cohort Period
14 SPRG Field 3.13 = Homeless (191) where enrollment and program span the Cohort Period.
15 SPED Field 14.16 District of Special Education Accountability - Most recent SPED record effective during the Cohort Period for students whose Enrollment Exit Date is less than 7/1/2023 OR
PLAN Field 23.10 District of Special Education Accountability – Most recent PLAN record effective during the Cohort Period where SWDS record at the Enrollment Exit Date or Cohort End Date (whichever is sooner) has Status Code (Field 22.12) = Eligible and Participating (1) ¬¬for students whose Enrollment Exit Date is on or after 7/1/2023
NOTE: If the student is NOT Eligible and Participating (SWDS) at the end of their cohort period, the DSEA will not be populated. However, the student will still be considered a SWD for the cohort if they were Eligible and Participating at any point during the Cohort Period.
16 SENR Field 1.33 - A yes or no indication of whether students met requirements for Student Seal of Biliteracy Indicator.
17 SENR Field 1.32 – A yes or no indication of whether students met requirements for Golden State Seal Merit Diploma.
18 SENR Field 1.35 – A yes or no indication of whether students were exempted from local graduation requirements but has completed all state graduation requirements for a standard HS Diploma. NOTE: A blank would indicate the student was not a graduate with an E230/100
19 SENR Field 1.29 - A yes or no indication of whether students met UC/CSU Requirements.
20 SENR Field 1.34 - A yes or no indication of whether or not a student with disabilities who is at least 17 years old is participating in a program to assist in the student’s transition from school to adult life.
21 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 25.
22 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 30.
23 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 35, 40, 45, 50 or 55.
24 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 10
25 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 15
26 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 20
27 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 60
28 WBLR Field 21.09 = Work Based Learning Code 65
29 SENR Field 1.24 Grade Level Code. Initial High School Grade level record that fell within Membership Date Range and determined Cohort Membership.
30 The year the student was first identified in the cohort.
31 Cohort Category: Removed from Cohort, Promoted/Matriculated, Graduate, CHSPE Completer, Adult Ed HS Diploma, Dropouts, Still Enrolled, Special Education Certificate of Completion, GED Completer, Other Transfer.
See 15.1 Cohort Outcome – Count and Rates mapping guide Rules for each definition.
32 SENR Field 1.23 = 10 or 30 (If 30 > 30 days).
33 SENR Field 1.22 = Enrollment Start date from the final enrollment record within the Cohort Period that determines what LEA the SSID will report under.
34 SENR Field 1.25 = The final exit within the Cohort Period that determines final cohort outcome.
35 SENR Field 1.26 = A coded value representing the Student Exit Category and final Outcome in the Cohort.
36 SENR Field 1.27 = A coded value representing a School Completion Status and Outcome.

Field Code Legend

Field Code Name
SENR 1.05 School of Attendance
SENR 1.09 Local Student ID
SENR 1.17 Student Birth Date
SENR 1.22 Enrollment Start Date
SENR 1.23 Enrollment Status
SENR 1.24 Grade Level Code
SENR 1.25 Enrollment Exit Date
SENR 1.26 Student Exit Reason Code
SENR 1.27 Student School Completion Status
SINF 2.19 Student Gender Code
SINF 2.23 Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator
SINF 2.24 Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator
SINF 2.25-2.29 Student Race Code
SINF 2.30 Student Race Missing Indicator
SINF 2.11 -2.13 Student Legal Name
SINF 2.50 2.50(Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level Code
SPRG 3.13 Education Program Code
SELA 12.13 ELAS Code
SELA12.15 Primary Language

Exit Code Legend

Exit Code Name
E125 PriorComplSpecEd
E130 Died
E140 NoKnownEnrollTruant
E150 MidYearEnrollmentUpdate
E155 YearEndEnrlmntExitSameSchl
E170 SecEnrlExit
E230 CompleterExit
E300 ExpellNoKnownEnroll
E400 OtherOrUnknown
E410 MedicalRsns
E450 PreK-6Exit
E490 Summer or Intersession Exit
N420 NoShowSameSchl
N470 NoShow
T160 TransCASchlRegular
T165 TransSpecDiscRsnsOrJudg
T167 TransAltSchlPrgm
T180 TransPrivate
T200 TransUS
T240 TransOutUS
T260 TransInAdult
T270 TransDropAdult
T280 TransCollege
T310 TransHealthFacil
T370 TransInstHSDipl
T380 TransInstNoHSDip
T460 TransHomeSch

Completion Code Legend

Completion Code Name
100 Graduated, standard HS diploma
104 Completed all local and state graduation requirements, failed CAHSEE
106 Grad, CAHSEE mods & waiver
108 Grad, CAHSEE exempt
120 Special Education certificate of completion
250 Adult Ed High School Diploma
320 Received a High School Equivalency Certificate (and no standard HS diploma)
330 Passed CHSPE (and no standard HS diploma)
360 Completed grade 12 without completing graduation requirements, not grad

Additional Resources

Cohort Glossary

List of glossary terms relevant to Cohort reporting.

ACGR Cohort Training Powerpoint

Current year ACGR Training Powerpoint deck.

ACGR Cohort Training Workbook

Current year ACGR Training Workbook.

CALPADS File Specifications

Look for Student Enrollment (SENR), Student Program (SPRG) and Special Education (SPED) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.

CALPADS Data Guide

Chapter 3.1.9 provides additional information on Graduates and completers and the Cohort count calculation. Chapter 5.3 Appendix C provides additional information on Student Exit Reason code and Student School Completion status descriptions


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The Exit codes and completion code definitions are listed in this document.