Report 5.8 Former Foster Youth Enrolled – Count

Description: Reports the total count and total unduplicated K-12 (KN, 01-12) students who were formerly foster by school and grade level. Students are considered former foster when they had been identified as foster at some point during the current academic year but are no longer foster on the report “as of” date. Former foster are identified in the FosterYouthMatchResults table by the presence of an LCFF Foster End Date.

The report has two separate sections: 1) The first section is a summary by grade for the sum of all selected schools and 2) The second section provides a summary by grade for each of the selected schools.

Report Type: ODS Only

Data As Of:

  • Current Date

Basic selection criteria:

Students Included:

  • SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status, grade) for a student is associated with the most recent Open enrollment at the school that overlaps the report “As of” date (“As of” date for this report is the current date) OR where most recent enrollment record for a student includes an E155 exit code, regardless of exit date.

  • Enrollment status = Primary (10), or Short Term (30)

  • Grade levels = KN, 01 -12

Report Filters:

Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected.

  • Academic Year (Snapshot)
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • English Language Acquisition
  • Gifted and Talented Education
  • Title I Part C Migrant
  • Special Education
  • Enrollment Status

Report Logic

Report 5.8

Column Rules
1 School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
2 School Name is determined by #1 
3 SENR Field 1.25 - Grade Level Code equal to KN -12. SENR 1.24 – Enrollment Status is 10 (Primary) or 30 (Short Term) and SENR 1.26 – Enrollment Exit Date is null or where most recent enrollment record for a student includes an E155 exit code. This field can be expanded to show by Grade within Foster categories.
4 Calculation: Count of Students in each Grade Level that were Former Foster
Unduplicated Toatals by Grade) Calculation: Unduplicated count of the students that were reported in the Total by Grade column.

Glossary References:

Foster Youth

Former Foster Youth

Open enrollment

CDE Foster Youth Resource

User Roles for Access:

Foster Youth role