SENR0714E3 Error

Invalid "TBD" English Language Acquisition Status Code

Submission: EOY3
Status: Active
Severity: Warning
Error Type: DD



If a student with a Primary enrollment has an English Language Acquisition Code = "TBD" and the Student Grade Level Code is not equal to "AD", "IN", "TD", or "PS", then the English Language Acquisition Status Start Date must be less than 90 days before the Census Date or Current Date of the Report Period


  • SENR Data
  • 1.23 - Enrollment Start Date
  • 1.25 - Grade Level Code
  • SELA Data
  • 12.13 - English Language Acquisition Status Code
  • 12.14 - English Language Acquisition Status Start Date


Understanding the Error:

The system is trying to ensure that LEAs update English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Codes of "TBD", as this status should only be temporary for students that are not in the following grades: "AD", "IN", "TD", or "PS." If the ELAS Start Date in the most recent ELAS record is greater than or equal to 90 days before the current date this error will trigger.

For EOY3, students may have exited prior to the LEA completing the process. This error will trigger as a warning for each LEA that had the student enrolled for 30 days or more, where the most recent overlapping English Language Acquisition code is "TBD".

NOTE: If a student is enrolled for 30 calendar days or more, they are legally required to be tested with 30 calendar days.

Things to check in the submission: Look for all students with an ELAS Code of "TBD" whose English Language Acquisition Status Start Date is greater than or equal to 90 days before the current date.

Suggested Resolution:

Update the ELAS Code and Start Date for students who are TBDs and resubmit the file.




1/2025 - Added (replaces CERT106)



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