Fall 1 Reporting Roadmap

(Updated 9/5/2024)

This page will provide you the necessary tools in navigating through the CALPADS system and the different Fall 1 reporting requirements. It will be continually updated with new content as needed.

Additional Fall 1 guidance is also available in the CALPADS FAQ site.

CALPADS Submission and Certification Deadlines

The table below list the official dates and milestones associated to the different CALPADS submission periods. The Official Submission window reflects when the CALPADS snapshot revisions are activated and NOT the start of data submission. Submission of required files can be done anytime and as early as now.

CALPADS Submission Census Day Primary Data Submitted Official Submission Window Certification Deadline Amendment Window
Fall 1 October 2, 2024

2024–25 (Census Day):

  • Enrollment counts
  • English language acquisition status
  • Immigrant Counts
  • Free/reduced-price meal-eligibility
  • Special Education


  • Dropouts
October 2, 2024
December 13, 2024
December 13, 2024 December 14, 2024
January 24, 2025
Fall 2 October 2, 2024
  • Student Course Enrollments
  • Staff Assignments and full-time equivalent (FTE)
  • English Learner Education Services
December 16, 2024
February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025 No Amendment Window:
Final Deadline is February 28, 2025

Fall 1 Submission Checklist

This form provides detailed list of data requirements and key responsibilities to facilitate the smooth Fall 1 submission and certification experience of LEAs. It contains multiple tabs that includes the checklist and list of certification reports. LEAs may download the spreadsheet, assign staff responsibilities and send it to the field.

Download Checklist
(Updated 8/30/2024)

 Image of suggested timeline LEAs may follow to be on track with certification.

CALPADS Communication

Below is a curated list of CALPADS flash updates and memos relevant to Fall 1 reporting.

CALPADS Update Flash #285 (Dated 08-Aug-2024)

Topics Include: Guidance Regarding Transitional Kindergarten and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), per the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 2268.

CALPADS Update Flash #284 (Dated 01-Aug-2024)

Topics Include: Summer Electronic Benefit (S-EBT) Transfer Program Update.

CALPADS Update Flash #283 (Dated 02-Jul-2024)

Topics Include: 2024−25 CALPADS Fall Submission Deadlines; 2024–25 CALPADS Regional Update Meetings.

CALPADS Update Flash #281 (Dated 18-Jun-2024)

Topics Include: District of Choice and Data Reporting.

CALPADS Update Flash #280 (Dated 17-Jun-2024)

Topics Include: Information on SENR0654E3 and a reminder to use the new Grade Level Code, TK - Transitional Kindergarten for TK students.

CALPADS Update Flash #279 (Dated 17-Jun-2024)

Topics Include: Information on SENR0654E3 and a reminder to use the new Grade Level Code, TK - Transitional Kindergarten for TK students.

CALPADS Update Flash #272 (Dated 22-May-2024)

Topics include: Importance of the Initial US School Enrollment Data for English Learners.

Flash 134
Topics include: Updated guidance (previously provided in Flash 132) regarding appropriate use of N470 exit code.

Flash 132
Topics include: Aligning guidance regarding when to dis-enroll Truants to support practices to reduced Chronic Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropouts

What is New to Fall 1? (Pending)

What files should LEAs submit for Fall 1?

Below are the files expected to be submitted during Fall 1. Please review each file for specific data requirements and other business rules to be aware of.

Extracted from School Information System (SIS)

Entered in Special Education System (SEDS) and pushed to CALPADS through API

Important Reminders:

  • SENR and SINF file must be sequentially submitted and posted first. Once the 2 files are submitted, all other file types can be uploaded.

  • Also, users should be aware of the default file upload processing method employed by each file.

SSID Enrollment (SENR)

General SSID Enrollment Overview

Below is a depiction of the typical SSID Enrollment workflow LEAs will be conducting to acquire SSIDs for new and transferring students as well as re-enroll returning students.

Hover on the linked stages for access to related video tutorials.

SSID Matching Tool

This page helps explain the SSID Matching Tool process to help LEAs identify possible SSID matches in bulk for students with no SSIDs. This process is done prior to submitting the main SENR batch file and immediately preempting possible MIDs.

Requesting SSIDs

Provides step by step guidance on requesting SSIDs either through Online Maintenance or Batch file upload.

Creating and Maintaining SSIDs and Enrollments for Students with Disabilities

Provides guidance on requesting and maintaining SSIDs in the context of Students with Disabilities reporting.

District of Choice LEAs and Data Reporting

Currently, there are 44 LEAs designated as a District of Choice. The District of Choice Program allows a student to transfer to a school district that participates in this program. Per Flash 281, DOCs must populate on the Student Enrollment (SENR) file, for students transferring to the LEA under the DOC program:

  • Field 1.30 – Student School Transfer Code with Student School Transfer code 4 – District of Choice; and
  • Field 1.31 – District of Geographic Residence

Specifically, DOCs must populate both fields for students with an enrollment status of primary or short-term when the student’s most recent prior enrollment is in a California public school in a different LEA. If these fields are not populated, Certification Data Discrepancy (CDD) SENR0320E3 - Missing Student School Transfer Code for District of Choice Transfer will trigger.

Transitional Kindergarten Reporting

As a condition of receipt of apportionment for pupils in transitional kindergarten (TK), a school district or charter school shall ensure that by the 2025−26 school year, TK is available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year. To facilitate the addition of TK students to California’s public school system, as specified in Education Code (EC) Section (c)(1), over the next four years, LEAs are to ensure that TK is available to students based on when they turn 5 years old, as follows:

  • In 2022–23, students are eligible for TK if they turn 5 years old between September 2 and February 2;
  • In 2023–24, students are eligible for TK if they turn 5 between September 2 and April 2;
  • In 2024–25, students are eligible for TK if they turn 5 between September 2 and June 2; and
  • In 2025–26, LEAs are required to make TK available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year.

Student Information (SINF)

The SINF stores the students demographic information and address. Here are are vital data elements and reminders every LEA must remember.

  • Always ensure that the Effective Start Date of initial SINF record submitted at the start of the academic year matches the enrollment start date.
  • The Race and Ethnicity must always be reported everytime a SINF record is uploaded.
  • Students enrolled with primary, secondary, or short-term enrollments, LEAs are required to submit the highest education level for each parent/guardian reported to CALPADS, in the following fields on the Student Information (SINF) file:

    • 2.38 – Parent Guardian 1 Highest Education Level Code
    • 2.50 – Parent Guardian 2 Highest Education Level Code*

*Note: Parent Guardian 2 Highest Education Level Code will only be required if Guardian 2 First Name or Last Name is populated.

While LEAs are not required to update historical data, the highest education level for both parents will now be required when LEAs update or add a SINF record for a student.

LEAs will continue to use the existing “Highest Education Level” code set, with the following clarification to the definition for Code 15 – Decline to State:

Prior Definition for: New Definition
Code 15 – Decline to State Code 15 – Decline to State
An individual declined to state his or her highest educational level. This is not the same as unknown (missing information). An individual who declined to state their highest educational level or for whom information is unavailable.

Matrix for Parent Ed level inclusion in SED

Matrix shows which education level code is returned based on both parent's education level.

Parent 1 Highest Ed Level Parent 2 Highest Ed Level SED Impact
14 – Not a High School Graduate 14 – Not a High School Graduate Eligible
14 – Not a High School Graduate NULL/BLANK (i.e. no selection) Eligible
14 – Not a High School Graduate 15 - Decline to State Not Eligible
15 - Decline to State 14 – Not a High School Graduate Not Eligible
Other Combinations Not Eligible

Student Program (SPRG)

Student Program Data Collected

List of student program eligibility reported for Fall 1.

NSLP Reporting Nuances

Guidance on reporting student NSLP eligibility.

Language Instructional Program

Guidance on reporting Language Instructional Program participation.

LCFF Inclusion

All students with active enrollment on Census day, and who meets any of the criteria below will be counted on the LCFF report.

Type of Eligibility Met


As of Inclusive date



Open SPRG record with start date prior or equal to Census day

Migrant Ed


Open SPRG record with start date prior or equal to Census day

Income/ Alternative Income Eligibility Form

(Regular School, CEP, Provision 2/3)


NSLP Program Start date should be on or before October 31st.

Foster Youth

State Matching

Student must be active Foster Youth on Census day per ODS report 5.7


Tribal Foster Youth


Open SPRG record with start date prior or equal to Census day.

Direct Certification

(SNAP, TANF, MediCal Free, Medi-Cal Reduced)

State Matching

Must be certified between 7/2 to 11/2

EL and ADEL Status


SELA record with EL/ADEL status date prior or equal to Census day

Student English Language Acquisition (SELA)

When to submit a SELA record
Initial ELPAC Testing Guidance and Common Issues
Guidance for Submitting RFEP Records to CALPADS
ELPAC Status Correction at a Glance
ELPAC Status Correction through STAIRS Process

Special Education (SWDS, MEET, PLAN, SERV)

Below are helpful SPED reporting resources.

Special Education File Submission Scenarios

Contains specific special education data scenarios and information about which of the special education files Students with Disabilities Status (SWDS), Special Education Meetings (MEET), Special Education Plans (PLAN) and Special Education Services (SERV) would be required in each of these scenarios.

2023-2024 Special Education Data in CALPADS

Box site containing the initial CALPADS SPED Redesign documentation.

CALPADS Special Education Data Office Hours

Box site containing all presentations from the CALPADS Special Education Data Office Hours

Student Degree of Support Identification Guidance

Contains guidance on Student Degree of Support Identification

Equitable Services for Students with Disabilities

Contains some key provisions on Equitable Services for Students with Disabilities

Special Education Status Start Date for each Special Education Status and Non-Participation Reason Combination

Special Education Status Code

Special Education Status Name

Special Education Non-Participation Reason

SWDS Status Start Date is defined as…


Eligible and Participating


If student was evaluated in California and student was determined to be eligible:

·       …and the parent agreed to one or more services on the meeting date

o   the date of the meeting where the student was determined to be eligible. Date must not be in the future.

·       …and parent did not accept the offer of Free and Appropriate Public Education right away but accepts the offer at a later date

o   the date of the first day of enrollment or when services begin, whichever is first.

If student transferred from outside of CA and had their initial evaluation out of state - the date the student enrolled in the California district. Date must not be in the future.


Eligible and Not Participating

11 - Eligible - No Education Plan (Parent Declined FAPE - Private Placement)

The date of initial evaluation


Eligible and Not Participating

12 - Eligible - No Education Plan/ Not participating (Other Reasons)

The date of initial evaluation.


Eligible and Not Participating

24 - Withdrawal

The date student withdrew from program and stopped receiving services. (must not be in the future)


Eligible, Not Enrolled

31 - Left School and Not Expected to Return

The enrollment exit date of student from the student information system


Not Eligible

21 - Not Eligible

Date of initial evaluation or reevaluation where student was found not eligible or no longer eligible.


Not Eligible

22 - No Parental Consent Received - Part C to B

Date of child’s third birthday or the date the student’s Part C services will end, if past the student’s third birthday.


Not Eligible

23 - MaxAge


1)    Date of student’s 22nd birthday; OR

2)    If student will continue services until the end of the term or academic year, then the date they stop receiving services.


Not Eligible

26 - No Part B Evaluation – IEP Team Decision

The date of child’s third birthday, or the date the student’s Part C services will end, if past the student’s third birthday.


Not Eligible

25 - Returned to CA, no longer eligible

The date of enrollment in the California district upon their return.

(This is only necessary when the student had an active IEP or ISP in California, then left out-of-state and exited the special education program, then returned to California.)


Not Eligible

31 - Left School and Not Expected to Return

The enrollment exit date of student from the student information system

Tools for Success

Here are some helpful resources LEAs must utilize for greater success and efficiency in meeting reporting requirements.

Fall 1 Training Resources and Opportunities

CALPADS Regional Update Meetings

The California Department of Education conducts a series of meetings via webinar for local educational agencies (LEAs) regarding the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).

CALPADS Special Education Data Fall Roadshows

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Regional trainings in Fall 2024 to inform local educational agencies (LEAs) with updates and changes to the collection of data for students with disabilities.

CSIS YouTube Channel

Includes self-paced training presentations, weekly Q & A recordings as well as recordings of other CALPADS related events.


CALPADS Learning contains required self-paced classes, course programs and access to register for live training classes.

CSIS Training Resource

Stores valuable data management tools and downloadable training Powerpoint presentations.


The CA Department of Education's portal to all CALPADS resources, department communications, and access to other education-related agencies.

CALPADS Resource Pages

The following documents provide additional information regarding the operation and data submission requirements.

System Reference

Provides curated list of helpful system documentation.

File Templates

Provides list of downloadable batch file templates and other extract reference templates.

Daily Known Issues List

Provides a list of most current known defects impacting CALPADS.

CALPADS Error List

Provides an index page to specific CALPADS error pages that contain descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS as well as suggested resolutions.


Provides a list of common questions and guidance related to Fall 1 data reporting.

Fall 1 Report Mapping Guides

Provides guidance in interpreting and analyzing CALPADS reports.

Where to get Support



  • FCMAT/CSIS Online Support Form Click Here
  • Email: support@fcmat.org
  • Voicemail for FCMAT/CSIS Support: (916) 325-9210


ELPAC Support


  • Click to join CALPADS Q&A Every Wednesday @ 3PM (Zoom) Click Here