C/A 5.4 – Homeless Students Enrolled – Unduplicated Count by School

Updated as of 5/16/2024

Description: Reports the total number of students who were reported as Homeless at the LEA level for a selected county.

Report Type: ODS Academic Year

Security Role(s) Required: County (For COEs); Authorizing LEA Reports (For all other LEAs)

Report Period:

  • ODS EOY 2 Report Period (July 1 thru June 30 of the reporting year)

Basic Report Criteria

  • LEA Selection

    • During the Report Period County Authorizing Agencies can review both Certified and Revised Uncertified Reports

    • Reports display data only for expected school types flagged as “Y- Yes” or “P- Permitted”

    • Schools that are expected with a type “Y” will report zeros if the data is certified with no counts

    • Permitted type schools will only display if they submit and certify data within the report type. Schools that are expected with a “P” and have not submitted data for the report data type, the school will not display on the report if zeros are certified.

Basic Selection criteria:

  • Any open or closed enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period
  • Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20 or 30
  • Grade Level = TK, PS, KN-12
  • Program Record (SPRG Field 3.13 = 191) overlaps the qualifying enrollment

If the student participated in the same program at multiple schools within LEA, they should ONLY be counted once at the school with the most recent program record for homeless, regardless of Enrollment Status.

Students are counted in school of primary enrollment if they have multiple qualifying record in the report period with the same Start Dates.

Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected

  • Academic Year
  • County
  • Revision Status
  • LEA
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Enrollment Status
  • English Language Acquisition Status
  • Title 1 Part C Migrant
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Gifted and Talented Education
  • User Comments

Report Logic:

EOY 2 C/A Report5.4

Column Rules
1 LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
1 LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
2 LEA Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table
3 School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
4 School Name is derived from by #3 and the Expected Schools Table.
5 SENR 1.25 – Grade Level = TD, PS, KN – 12
6 SENR 1.08 – SSID - an unduplicated count of SSIDs that meet the prerequisite. SSID attributed to the school with the most recent enrollment within LEA AND SENR 1.4 – Enrollment Status = 10, 20, 30, 40 AND SPRG 3.13 – Program Code = 191 where program start falls within report period
7 SPRG 3.23 – Homeless Dwelling Type Code = 100
8 SPRG 3.23 – Homeless Dwelling Type Code = 110
9 SPRG 3.23 – Homeless Dwelling Type Code = 120
10 SPRG 3.23 – Homeless Dwelling Type Code = 130
11 SPRG 3.24 – Unaccompanied Youth Indicator

Additional Resources

CALPADS File SpecificationsForm

Look for Student Enrollment (SENR) and Student Program (SPRG) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.

CALPADS Data Guide

Chapter 2.1.3 provides additional information on Student Programs .


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The Program codes and dwelling code definitions are listed in this document.