Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Count

The Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Count is a count of K-12 students whose English Language Acquisition Status changed from EL to RFEP at any time during the Report Period (RFEP From Date through RFEP Through Date: July 1 – June 30). A student is reported from the school in which the reclassification occurred.

A reclassification is identified for a school as follows:

  • Open enrollment at any time during the Report Period with:

1) Enrollment Status Code (Field 1.24) = 10 (Primary)

2) Grade Level Code (Field 1.25) = KN, 01-12


1) Most recent ELAS Code (Field 12.13) (using Effective Start Date) = RFEP 2) ELAS Status Start Date <= RFEP Through Date and >= RFEP From Date 3) ELAS Status Start Date >=Enrollment Start Date and <= Enrollment Exit Date (Field1.26) if Exit Date is not null

AND - If exists, a prior SELA record for an enrollment where:

1) ELAS Code (Field 12.13) = EL, and 2) ELAS Status Start Date of the prior SELA record < the ELAS Status Start Date of the selected RFEP record


  • A prior SELA record DOES NOT exist for an enrollment where:

1) ELAS Code (Field 12.13) = RFEP, 2) ELAS Status Start Date of the prior SELA record < the ELAS Status Start Date of the selected RFEP record.