Meeting Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities

This is the calculated age of the student using information in the SINF record and SPED records for purposes of validating various fields in the SPED and SSRV Files.

Data is identified using SINF, SPED, SSRV data elements

Meeting Date Student Age equals Special Education Meeting Date (SPED Field 14.21) minus Student Birth Date (SINF Field 2.18) from most recent SINF (based on Effective Start [Field 2.04] and Effective End Dates [Field 2.05])

Note: If the field being validated is from the SSRV file, then Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier (SSRV Field 15.12) is used to associate to the SPED file to retrieve the Special Education Meeting Date (SPED Field 14.21) or Education Plan Amendment Date (SPED Field 14.25)