Dropouts - Count

Dropouts are counted in the current Reporting Year for the Previous Academic Year. The count includes students who dropped out from the previous year and students who failed to show up for the previous year. The count is based on the Reporting Calendar for the Fall 1 Annual Enrollment Update snapshot. The Fall 1 calendar specifies the From and Through dates (i.e. Dropout Reporting Cycle, No Show Reporting Cycle, and Lost Transfer Reporting Cycle defined below) used to evaluate student exits to determine if a student is a dropout.

There are two views of the Dropout Count:

  • LEA View: The LEA View of the Dropout Count is the count of students who are reported by the LEA as possible Dropouts, based on information that the LEA maintains. Therefore the LEA View reports students who do not have a re-enrollment in the LEA before Census Day of the Reporting Year (i.e. during the Enrollment Reporting Cycle defined below). These students are candidates for designation as a dropout in the State View.
  • State View: The State View of the Dropout Count is the count of students reported by CDE as dropouts. In the State View, the Dropout Count reported by an LEA is reconciled through cross-district analysis to determine if the student has re-enrolled in another LEA before Census Day (i.e. during the Enrollment Reporting Cycle defined below). The State View of dropouts continues to evaluate an LEA's dropout data after it has been certified. Therefore, the state level count reflects analysis of statewide data that continues to change until all LEAs have certified their data.

Dropout Reporting Cycle The time period used to identify Other Dropout Student School Exit Reason Codes which are examined to determine if a qualified re-enrollment has occurred during the Report Period or if student is reported as an Other Dropout. (See section Dropouts-LEA View Data) The cycle = August 16 of the Academic Year one year before the selected Academic Year (i.e. Reporting Year) to August 15 of the selected Academic Year (i.e. Reporting Year).

Enrollment Reporting Cycle The time period used to determine if a student who exited as a dropout re-enrolled, thereby eliminating the student from the Dropout Count. The cycle = the first date in the Dropout/Graduate Reporting Cycle through Census Day of the selected Academic Year (i.e. Reporting Year). (See section General Data for Census Day)

No Show Reporting Cycle The time period used to identify No Show - dropouts which are examined to determine if a qualified re-enrollment has occurred during the Report Period.

The No Show Reporting Cycle is the May 15 - August 15 preceding the start of the Dropout Reporting Cycle.

The cycle for No Shows spans two Academic Years and starts May 15 during the Academic Year two years prior to the selected Academic Year (i.e. Reporting Year) to August 15 of the selected Academic Year (i.e. Reporting Year).