Invalid District of Geographic Residence
Submission: SENR
Status: Active
Severity: Fatal
Input Validation: X
Data Discrepancy: N/A
District of Geographic Residence must be populated with a valid 7-digit County District (CD) code representing an active, open district that is not a charter school, NPS, or county office of education in the academic year specified.
- 1.07 - Academic Year
- 1.25 - Enrollment Exit Date
- 1.31 - District of Geographic Residence
Understanding the Error:
The system is validating that the seven-digit code in the District of Geographic Residence field (1.32) is 1) a district and not a county office of education, non-public school (NPS), or a charter school; and 2) active (open) based on entity start date and closed date (if exists) and student exit date (if exists) is less than entity closed date (if exists). Because this field is intended to capture the school district (only Unified, Elementary and High School Districts) in which the student or the student's parents or guardians actually reside, this would never be a county office of education, NPS, or charter school
Things to check in the submission: Verify that the District of Geographic Residence field (1.32) is populated with a seven-digit county-district code for an active district that is not a county office of education, NPS, or charter school or if the district is closed, ensure that the referenced SENR record has a blank Student Exit Date (1.26) or the Student Exit Date (1.26) is less the district close date.
Suggested Resolution:
1) Verify that the District of Geographic Residence field (1.32) is populated with a seven-digit county-district code for an active district that is not a county office of education, NPS, or charter school in the academic year specified (1.07) or 2) If the district is closed, ensure that the referenced SENR record has a blank Student Exit Date (1.26) or the Student Exit Date (1.26) is less the district close date.
Added 7/2014
Updated 9/2015 to include that valid CD code means district is open and not a charter school or County office of Education.
Updated 8/2016 with understanding the error (Suggested Resolution).
12/2022 - updated error to exclude NPS.
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