SENR0654E3 Error

EL student enrolled during the reporting period has invalid Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12

Submission: EOY3
Status: Active
Severity: Fatal
Error Type: CDD



An EL student enrolled at the LEA during the reporting period has an invalid Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 must be less than or equal to the student's earliest Enrollment Start Date when enrolled in Grades TK-12 including all enrollment status.


  • SENR Data
  • 1.22 Enrollment Start Date
  • SINF Data
  • 2.04 - Effective Start Date
  • 2.36 - Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12


Understanding the Error:

The "Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12" date should not conflict with the existing SENR records in the system. This validation* will look at per LEA the most recent primarily enrolled record per student for the reporting period (e.g., reporting period for EOY 3 2023-24 will look at most recent primarily enrolled record for a student between 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024, regardless if student is no longer enrolled) and the most recent overlapping SINF record.

*The validation will not evaluate SENR records with Exit Reason Codes = N420, N430, or N470. Nor SENR records where Enrollment Start Date is prior to 7/1/2013.

**The validation will include all enrollments in Grades TK-12 and all enrollment statuses (except 50) to determine Initial Start Date

Suggested Resolution:

Evaluate the SENR history for the SSID, regardless of LEA. Note the earliest Enrollment Start Date in CALPADS. Ensure the SINF "Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12" date field is not after that earliest date Enrollment Start Date in CALPADS; and for SINF "Effective Start Date" populate as follows: -If the most recent SINF record overlapping the enrollment is at your the same LEA, populate with a date equal to the enrollment start date at the that your LEA where the student was enrolled, or -If the most recent SINF record overlapping the enrollment is from different LEA (i.e., your LEA inherited a prior SINF record from another LEA), submit a NEW SINF record and populate with a date equal to the enrollment start date at your LEA.




7/2024 - Updated Error Description and Suggested Resolution

6/2024 - Updated

5/2024 - Added



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