CERT097 Error
Missing Title I Targeted Assistance Program Records
Submission: EOY2
Status: Active
Severity: Fatal
Error Type: CVR
No Student Program records with an Education Program Code of 122 have been submitted for a school that received Title I Part A Targeted Assistance funding in the Reporting Year.
- N/A
Understanding the Error:
The school received Title I Part A Targeted Assistance for the Reporting Year, but there are no Student Program records with Education Program Code 122 submitted for students at the school.
Suggested Resolution:
Submit the appropriate Student Program records (SPRG - Education Program Code = 122) for students in the NCLB Title I Part A Targeted program.
Added 2/6/12
A school that receives Title I, Part A funds operate one of two programs:
To check if a school is receiving Title I, Part A funds, please refer to the Title I, Part A School Allocations report. See sample image of last year's report below.
From there, a LEA can then properly identify a school as authorized Schoolwide school through the TiTle I Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program. See Image below.
If the school is not an Authorized SWP School, the school is considered a Title I Targeted school. These LEAs will receive fatal certification validation error CERT097 – Missing Title I Targeted Assistance Program Records, if no student program records with an Education Program Code of 122 – Title I Targeted have been submitted to CALPADS for the school, and they will not be able to certify their End-of-Year (EOY) 2 submission.
For schools triggering CERT097 errors that are operating school wide programs, CALPADS LEA Administrators should communicate with their LEA Title I Coordinators to ensure that submit and certify the "Title I, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program" form in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) Winter Release.
- The CARS Winter submission typically closes by June 30 each year.
- LEAs should update schools' Schoolwide statuses as soon as possible, and should not wait.
- Changes to Title I, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program statuses to CARS may take at least a week before the statuses are uploaded in CALPADS.
The Navigating CARS webinar covers how to maneuver within the web application, reviews the function of each tab, provides examples of forms, and offers additional information about how CARS operates. For detailed instructions are located at the Consolidated Application and Reporting System playlist.
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