Report SELPA 17.4 Postsecondary Status-Student List
Updated as of 5/6/2024
Description: Reports the details for students with disabilities identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.
Report Type: Snapshot / Certification (EOY 4)
Security Roles: PSTS for SPED Students Edit, PSTS for SPED Students View, EOY 4 Reports
Data As Of:
- Snapshot version EOY 4: July 1 - June 30 of reporting year
Basic selection criteria:
Students Included: Students with a qualifying Postsecondary Status (PSTS) record, qualifying enrollment, and are a qualifying age
Qualifying PSTS Record:
- Education Program Participation Code = Special Education (30) in the selected Academic Year at the Reporting LEA
Qualifying Enrollment:
- Enrollment at the Reporting LEA overlapping the Graduate From Date to the Graduate Through Date of the prior year from the selected Academic Year (e.g., if PSTS AY = 2023-2024, then Fall 1 Graduate From/Through Date would be 8/16/2022 – 8/15/2023)
- Enrollment Status Code = Primary Enrollment (10), Secondary Enrollment (20), Short-Term Enrollment (30)
Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) and Foster Youth data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, Homeless, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged
- English Learner
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Foster
- Armed Forces Family Member
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Postsecondary Status
Report Logic

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Column | Rules |
1 | PSTS Field 17.04 Reporting LEA |
2 | LEA Name: Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model |
3 | Revision ID – Unique ID created by CALPADS to differentiate each revision |
4 | Revision Date – Date/time revision was created |
5 | SENR Field 1.08 – SSID number |
6 | SENR Field 1.12 – Student Legal Last Name and SENR Field 1.10 – Student Legal First Name and SENR Field 1.11 – Student Legal Middle Name |
7 | SENR Field 1.09 – Local Student ID |
8 | SENR Field 1.18 – Student Gender Code |
9 | Ethnicity/Race - identified using SINF fields 2.23 (Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator), SINF 2.24 (Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator), SINF 2.25-2.29 (Student Race 1-5 Code), and SINF 2.30 (Student Race Missing Indicator) and the following rules: |
1) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = Y, always roll up to Hispanic, even if one or more races are selected or the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y | |
2) If Student Hispanic Ethnicity Missing Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null and the Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator (Field 2.24) = Y or null and Student Race 1 - 5 Codes (Fields 2.25 - 2.29) is indicated, then roll up per rules outlined in 5 below. | |
3) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y, then roll up to "Missing". | |
4) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null, and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y, then roll up to "Missing." | |
5) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null, and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = N or null, and Student Race 1-5 Codes (Field 2.25 - 2.29) is indicated, then roll up as follows: | |
• If a single race = American Indian or Alaska Native (100), roll up to American Indian or Alaska Native | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Asian subgroups: ((201) Chinese, (202) Japanese, (203) Korean, (204) Vietnamese, (205) Asian Indian, (206) Laotian, (207) Cambodian, (208) Hmong, (299) Other Asian, and no other race category (100, 301, 302, 303, 304, 399, 400, 600, 700, 302, 303, 304, 399, 400, 600, 700) then roll up to Asian | |
• If a single race = Filipino (400) roll up to Filipino(400) | |
• If race includes Filipino (400) AND one or more of any of the Asian subgroups, [(201) Chinese, (202) Japanese, (203) Korean, (204) Vietnamese, (205) Asian Indian, (206) Laotian, (207) Cambodian, (208) Hmong, (299) Other Asian) and no other race category roll up to Filipino(400) | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subgroups ((301) Hawaiian, (302) Guamanian, (303) Samoan, (304) Tahitian, (399) Other Pacific Islander) and no other race category (100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 299, 400, 600, 700) then roll up to Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. | |
• If a single race = (600) Black or African American, roll up to Black or African American | |
• If a single race = (700) White, roll up to White | |
• If more than one of the following races: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, White, roll up to "Multiple" | |
10 | SENR Field 1.17 – Student Birth Date |
11 | PSTS Field 17.12 Postsecondary Status Code |