Report 16.12: SELPA Students with Disabilities - Education Plan by Primary Disability (EOY 4)
(Updated 05/6/2024)
Description: Reports unduplicated counts of Students with Disabilities Education Plan Type and Primary Disability Category by LEA for the SELPA. (Education plan types = 100(IEP), 150(IFSP), 200(ISP))
Report Type: Snapshot / Certification (Fall 1)
Security Roles: SELPA Reports Role
Data As Of:
- Snapshot EOY 4: July 1 – June 30 of reporting year
Basic selection criteria:
Students Included: Students with a qualifying enrollment who are Eligible and Participating in the Special Education program during the report period (7/1 – 6/30) and have an Education Plan effective during the report period at the same LEA as the enrollment.
Qualifying Enrollment:
Open Enrollment at any time during the Report Period: 7/1 – 6/30 (See CALPADS Glossary: Open Enrollment; Report Period). In cases where more than one SENR record overlap the reports period within an LEA, priority is given to the SENR record overlapping the SWDS eligible and participating record and then priority is given to the most recent SENR record. In cases where more than one SENR record for a student with the same Enrollment Exit Date exists, use the top record ordered by descending order by Student Enrollment Start Date, Grade Level Code, and CDS.
Enrollment Status Code = Primary (10), or Short-term (30), 50 (Non-ADA)
Default Grade Level = IN, PS, TK-12
Qualifying Special Education Records:
PLAN record effective during the qualifying enrollment for the same Reporting LEA where Plan Effective Start Date is effective during the Report Period
NOTE: PLAN information will be used in report only if the Reporting LEA from selected record matches the reporting LEA as the qualifying enrollment
SWDS record effective during the qualifying enrollment (regardless of LEA) where Status = Eligible and Participating and Status Effective Start Date is effective during the Report Period
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Grade Level
- Education Plan Type – Education Plans 100, 150, 200
- English Language Acquisition Status
- Socio-economically Disadvantaged
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Foster Youth
- Student Age – Defaults to 0 – 22 years. Calculation: 6/30/academic year minus Birth Date from the most recent SINF overlapping qualifying enrollment.
Report Logic:

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | PLAN Field 23.04 Reporting LEA |
2 | Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model |
3 | Revision ID – unique ID created by the system to differentiate each revision |
4 | Revision Date – date/time stamp snapshot was refreshed |
5 | PLAN Field 23.11 – Special Education Plan Type Code |
6 | Total unduplicated count of SSIDs at each aggregate level. If a student was reported under more than one disability category, count the student only once. If the student was reported under more than one school, count the student only once in this aggregate. |
7 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 210 |
8 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 220 |
9 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 230 |
10 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 240 |
11 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 250 |
12 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 260 |
13 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 270 |
14 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 280 |
15 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 281 |
16 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 290 |
17 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 300 |
18 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 310 |
19 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 320 |
20 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs within PLAN Field 23.15 Disability Code 1 = 330 |