Report 4.5: Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail
(Updated as of 12/17/2024)
Description: Reports the non-classroom based/support assignments for each SEID by Job Classification Code as of the Fall 2 Report Period
Data As Of:
- Census Day (First Wednesday in October)
Security Roles: Fall 2 Reports
Basic selection criteria:
- SEID: Element 8.07 (SEID) must exist in CTC SEID table
Staff Assignments (SASS) data reported are selected from the SASS record for the Academic Year and school reported.
- Note: Report versions prior to AY 2024-25, DO NOT include staff where SASS Field 8.15 – 8.21 - Support Assignment Codes equal to 6018 (Employee on Leave)
Staff Demographics (SDEM) data are selected from the most recent SDEM record with:
- Effective Start Date on or before Census Day of the reporting year and Record Effective End Date (if exists) on or after Census Day and
- Employment Start Date on or before Census Day of the reporting year and Employment End Date (if exists) after Census Day
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Job Classification
- Employment Status
- Non Classroom Based Job Assignment
- User Comments
Report Logic
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table |
3 | SASS Field 8.07 SEID |
4 | SDEM Field 7.12 – Staff Legal Last Name and SDEM Field 7.10 – Staff Legal First Name and SDEM Field 7.11 Staff Legal Middle Name. Staff Name to Report 4.4 Staff Profile - List |
5 | SASS Field 8.08 - Local Staff ID |
6 | SASS Field 8.13 - Job Classification Code plus description of code |
7 | SASS Field 8.14 - Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage |
8 | SASS Field 8.15 - Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment code plus description of code |