Report 17.1 Postsecondary Status Outcome - Count
(Updated 12/17/2024)
Description: Reports the total number of CTE completers and CPA students identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.
Report Type: Snapshot / Certification (Fall 2)
Data As Of:
- Fall 2 Census Day (First Wednesday in October)
Security Role(s) Required: PSTS View and Fall 2 Reports
Basic selection criteria:
Postsecondary Status Rules:
- Education Program Participation code = 10 (CA Partnership Academy) or 20 (CTE) in the selected Academic Year
Students Included:
- Students with an enrollment at the School of Attendance any time that overlaps the Fall 1 Graduate From/Through dates for the selected Academic Year (e.g., PSTS AY = 2024-2025, then Fall 1 Graduate From/Through Date would be 8/16/2023 – 8/15/2024)
- Enrollment Status = 10 (Primary), 20 (Secondary), or 30 (Short Term)
- Grade Levels = 11 or 12
School Completion Status = 100 (Graduated), 120 (Certificate of Completion), 250 (Adult Ed HS Diploma), 320 (HS Equivalence Certificate), 330 (CHSPE), or 360 (Non-Grad)
Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, Homeless, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment.
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Special Education
- Socio-economically Disadvantaged
- English Learner
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Foster
- Armed Forces Family Member
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Pregnant or Parenting
- Education Program Participation Type
- Postsecondary Status
Report Logic
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table |
3 | PSTS Field 17.11 – Education Program Participation Type plus description |
4 | PSTS Field 17.12 – Postsecondary Status plus description |
5 | Total Count – Calculation for each row: Total number of unduplicated SSIDs for the Report Period (i.e. Academic Year) with the specific Postsecondary Status Code by Education Program Participation Code (California Partnership Academy, Career Technical Education) |
Total: sum of unduplicated SSIDs for the Report Period (i.e. Academic Year) with the specific Postsecondary Status Code by Education Program Participation Code |