Report 16.16 Students with Disabilities – Student Services Student List (Fall 1)
(Updated 9/12/2024)
Description: Reports a list of students with disabilities receiving services and associated plan information
Report Type: Snapshot / Certification (Fall 1)
Security Roles: Fall 1 Reports
Data As Of:
- Snapshot version Fall 1: Census Day
Basic selection criteria:
Students Included: Students with a qualifying enrollment who have an SWD Plan record (PLAN) and services (SERV records) effective on the Report Date (Census Date) at the same Reporting LEA as the qualifying enrollment and SWDS status of Eligible and Participating on the Report Date.
Qualifying Enrollment:
Most Recent Open Enrollment at any time during the Report Period. Most Recent = The “most recent” SENR record is defined as the last enrollment based on the last Student Enrollment End Date on or after the report period start date. In cases where more than one SENR record overlap the reports period within an LEA, priority is given to Primary Enrollments, Short Term, then Non ADA Enrollments. In cases where more than one SENR record for a student with the same Enrollment Exit Date exists, use the top record ordered by descending order by Student Enrollment Start Date, Grade Level Code (sorted on reference key), and CDS.
- Enrollment Status Code = Primary (10), or short-term (30), 50 (Non-ADA)
Default Grade Level = IN, TD, PS, KN-12
Qualifying Special Education Records:
SERV record overlapping report date (Census Date) and qualifying enrollment for same Reporting LEA where Plan effective start date <= the report date and (derived) Plan Effective End date > = the report date.
Most recent SWDS record on Census Date for the student has Status Code of Eligible and Participating where Status Effective Start date <= the report date and (derived) Status Effective End date > = the report date.
Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) and Foster Youth data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, Homeless, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment
Note: For a student to appear in a SELPA count, they must have the SELPA code reported on the SERV record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment at the same reporting LEA as on the SENR record AND the SELPA code from the SERV record has a reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA.
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- SELPA Code
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Grade Level
- Primary Disability Code
- Education Plan Type
- English Language Acquisition Status
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Foster Youth
- Student Age – Defaults to 0 – 22 years. Calculation: Census Date minus Birth Date from the most recent SINF overlapping qualifying enrollment
Report Logic:

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | Reporting SELPA from PLAN Field 23.09 |
2 | SELPA Name: Use data element name from CALPAD Security Model. |
3 | SENR Field 1.05 School of Attendance. |
4 | School Name: Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model for School Code on SENR Record |
5 | Nonpublic Agency Identifier (NPA) -Nonpublic Agency Identifier (NPA in Special Education Division's Nonpublic Agency Database) |
6 | PLAN Field 23.10 District of Special Education Accountability. |
7 | SENR Field 1.08 SSID |
8 | SENR Field 1.10 - Field 1.12 Student First, Middle and Last Name. |
9 | SENR Field 1.24 Grade Level Code |
10 | Local Record ID from SERV |
11 | SINF Field 2.19 Gender |
12 | 1) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (SINF Field 2.24) = Y, always roll up to Hispanic, even if one or more races are selected or the Student Race Missing Indicator (SINF Field 2.31) = Y |
2) If Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator (SINF Field 2.25) = Y, roll up to Missing even if one or more races are selected or if the Student Race Missing Indicator (SINF Field 2.31) = Y | |
3) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (SINF Field 2.24) = N and the Student Race Missing Indicator (SINF Field 2.31) = Y, then roll up to Missing | |
4) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (SINF Field 2.24) = N, and the Student Race Missing Indicator (SINF Field 2.31) = N, then roll up as follows: | |
• If a single race = American Indian or Alaska Native (100), roll up to American Indian or Alaska Native | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Asian subgroups ((201) Chinese, (202) Japanese, (203) Korean, (204) Vietnamese, (205) Asian Indian, (206) Laotian, (207) Cambodian, (208) Hmong, (299) | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subgroups ((301) Hawaiian, (302) Guamanian, (303) Samoan, (304) Tahitian, (399) Other Pacific Islander) and no other race category (100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 299, 400, 600, 700) then roll up to Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. | |
• If a single race = (600) Black or African American, roll up to Black or African American | |
• If a single race = (700) White, roll up to White | |
• If more than one of the following races: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, White, roll up to ""Multiple"" | |
13 | SINF Field 2.18 – Birth Date |
14 | Initial Service Start Date |
15 | Eligible and Participating Start Date From SWDS where Status code = 1(Eligible and Participating) |
16 | Plan Type Code & Description |
17 | Special Education Plan Effective Start Date |
18 | Reason for Plan Record Code + Description |
19 | Primary Disability I Code + Description |
20 | Disability Code 2 + Description |
21 | Service Code Special Education Service Code + Description |
22 | Service Provider Code + Description |
23 | Service Location Code + Description |
24 | Service Frequency Code + Description |
25 | Service Duration (e.g., 0030) |