Report 1.1: Enrollment - Primary and Short-term Enrollment Count by Subgroup
(Updated 12/2/2024)
Description: Reports the primary and short-term enrollment counts for specific student subgroups at the school level. This report provides the California Department of Finance with enrollment counts used for budget projections and the federal government with counts of student subgroups for purposes of Title I funding. The data included in this report is publicly accessible from Dataquest and Ed-Data
Note: records pulled are as of Census Day and will not necessarily align with totals from 1.17 LCFF report.
Report Type: ODS and Snapshot / Certification (Fall 1)
Security Roles: Fall 1 Reports Role
Data As Of:
- If ODS version, user defined
- If Snapshot version, Fall 1 Census Day (First Wednesday in October)
Basic selection criteria:
Students Included: Students with an open enrollment on the “Data As Of” date, where the Enrollment Status equals 10 (Primary) or 30 (Short-term) and is in Grade Levels TK – 12.
- o If more than one qualifying enrollment exists for a student, count in each school, unless both primary and short-term enrollment are within the same LEA. In that case, report and count the student only in the school of primary enrollment.
Note - Snapshot: Must have a SINF record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment. Default Grade Level does not include PS since PS does not have to be certified.
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status – (Snapshot)
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Enrollment Status
- Ethnicity/Race
- Student School Transfer Code
Adult Age Students with Disabilities in Transition Status
Age Eligibility Filter
- For academic year 21-22 and prior: filter will show no dropdown options (N/A).
- For academic year 22-23+:
- All (KN-12, TK) – includes grades KN-12, based on the As of Date of the report, if this value is selected
- Title 1 (5 - 17 year olds only) – includes ages 5-17 in whole years based on Student Birth Date and the As of Date of the report, if this value is selected.
Report Logic

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table. School Name column leads to Report: 1.2 Enrollment – Primary Status Student List |
3 | Count of all unique SSIDs with SENR Field 1.23 – Enrollment Status of (10) Primary and (30) Short-term and SENR Field 1.25 - Grade Level equal to TK -12 (Snapshot default - see note above regarding PS). |
4 | SELA Field 12.13 - English Language Acquisition Status Code equal to EL (English Learner) status effective during the report period (using effective date) regardless of Reporting LEA |
5 | SENR Field 1.25 - Grade Level Code equal to KN -12, and SINF Field 2.18 - Student Birth Date equal to (determines age to be 3-21) and SINF Field 2.22 – Student Birth Country not equal to US (United States) or PR (Puerto Rico) and SINF Field 2.46 - Enrolled in US School less than 3 Cumulative Years equal to Y |
Title III Eligible Immigrants column leads to Report 2.2 Title III Eligible Immigrants by Birth Country | |
6 | SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code equal to 127 (Gifted and Talented) and SPRG Field 3.15 - Program Membership Start Date is on or before Fall 1 Census Day and SPRG Field 3.16 Program Membership End Date is blank or is on or after Fall 1 Census Day |
7 | SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code equal to 135 (Migrant) and SPRG Field 3.15 - Program Membership Start Date is on or before Fall 1 Census Day and SPRG Field 3.16 - Program Membership End Date equal to blank or is after Fall 1 Census Day |
8 | PLAN Field 23.11 - Ed Plan Type equal to 100 (IEP), 150 (IFSP) or 200 (ISP) – overlapping qualifying enrollment |
9 | SINF Field 2.50 – Students with two parents/guardians will be included in the Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) accountability student group if both parents/guardians are not high school graduates. Students will not be included in the SED student group if one or more of the parents/guardians declines to state their Highest Education Level. - OR |
SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code equal to 181 (Free NSLP) or 182 (Reduced NSLP) and SPRG 3.15 – Ed Program Membership Start Date is on or after 7/1/ of reporting year and is on or before Census Day of the reporting year and SPRG 3.16 – Ed Program Membership End date blank or equal to or greater than Census Day of the Reporting Year – OR | |
SPRG Field 3.13 - Ed Program Code = 135 (Migrant), 191 (Homeless) or 193 (Tribal Foster Youth) and SPRG 3.15 – Ed Program Membership Start Date is on or before Fall 1 Census Day and SPRG 3.16 – Ed Program Membership End date blank or is on or after Fall 1 Census Day – OR | |
Foster Youth Indicator equal to Y AND Episode Start date is on or before to Fall 1 Census Day and Episode End Date is blank or is on or after Fall 1 Census Day – OR | |
Direct Certification Indicator equal to Y AND Direct Certification Date less than or equal to November results – OR | |
Student enrolled at a Juvenile Court School on Fall 1 Census Day | |
10 | FRPM Eligible - Count of unduplicated students that meet the criteria for Economically Disadvantaged. |
Additional Resources
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
Look for Student Enrollment (SENR), Student Information (SINF), Student English Language Acquisition (SELA), Student Program (SPRG) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.
Glossary References
Funding Eligible
English Learner
Foster Youth
Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup
Title III Eligible Immigrant
Students with Disabilities
Transitional Kindergarten