Report 1.21 - Cumulative Enrollment - Count
(Updated 4/15/2024)
Description: Reports the cumulative enrollment for the academic year. The total primary, secondary, and short-term enrollment counts are grouped and certified census day enrollment count is provided for comparison.
Data As Of:
- Snapshot version, any time in the reported academic year (7/1 – 6/30)
Security Roles: EOY 3 Reports Role
Basic selection criteria:
- Open or closed enrollment record within the LEA at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024)
- Enrollment Status = 10, 20, or 30
- Grade level = TK, KN, 01-12
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Enrollment Status
- Cumulative Enrollment Type*
- English Language Acquisition Status
- Socio-economically Disadvantaged
- Students with Disabilities
- Student School Transfer Code
- District of Geographic Residence
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Foster youth
- User Comments
Cumulative Enrollment (default): only those records with an open enrollment at any time during the Report Period.
Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment: only those records that have an Enrollment Start Date on or after July 1s of the Report Academic Year.
One Year Completer (available only for 2019-20 Academic Year): only those records that have an Enrollment Exit Date between August 16th of the Report Academic Year and August 15th of the following Academic Year AND School Completion Status = 100, 120, 320 and 330.
Report Logic:

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table. |
Links to Report 8.1 Student Profile - List (EOY3) | |
3 | Grade Level - SENR 1.25 (Grade Level) = TK, KN, 01 – 12 |
4 | Student Gender - SINF 2.19 (Student Gender Code) |
5 | Ethnicity/Race - identified using SINF fields 2.23 (Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator), SINF 2.25 (Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator), SINF 2.25-2.29 (Student Race 1-5 Code), and SINF 2.30 (Student Race Missing Indicator) and the following rules: |
1) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = Y, always roll up to Hispanic, even if one or more races are selected or the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y | |
2) If Student Hispanic Ethnicity Missing Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null and the Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator (Field 2.25) = Y or null and Student Race 1 - 5 Codes (Fields 2.25 - 2.29) is indicated, then roll up per rules outlined in 5 below. | |
3) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y, then roll up to "Missing". | |
4) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null, and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = Y, then roll up to "Missing." | |
5) If the Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator (Field 2.23) = N or null, and the Student Race Missing Indicator (Field 2.30) = N or null, and Student Race 1-5 Codes (Field 2.25 - 2.29) is indicated, then roll up as follows: | |
• If a single race = American Indian or Alaska Native (100), roll up to American Indian or Alaska Native | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Asian subgroups: ((201) Chinese, (202) Japanese, (203) Korean, (204) Vietnamese, (205) Asian Indian, (206) Laotian, (207) Cambodian, (208) Hmong, (299) Other Asian, and no other race category (100, 301, 302, 303, 304, 399, 400, 600, 700, 302, 303, 304, 399, 400, 600, 700) then roll up to Asian | |
• If a single race = Filipino (400) roll up to Filipino(400) | |
• If race includes Filipino (400) AND one or more of any of the Asian subgroups, [(201) Chinese, (202) Japanese, (203) Korean, (204) Vietnamese, (205) Asian Indian, (206) Laotian, (207) Cambodian, (208) Hmong, (299) Other Asian) and no other race category roll up to Filipino(400) | |
• If there is one or more of any of the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subgroups ((301) Hawaiian, (302) Guamanian, (303) Samoan, (304) Tahitian, (399) Other Pacific Islander) and no other race category (100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 299, 400, 600, 700) then roll up to Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. | |
• If a single race = (600) Black or African American, roll up to Black or African American | |
• If a single race = (700) White, roll up to White | |
• If more than one of the following races: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, White, roll up to "Multiple" | |
6 | Certified Census Day Total Primary Enrollments – a count of certified Fall 1 primary enrollments on Census Day for the selected academic year, from report 1.1-Enrollment-Primary Status-Count |
7 | ODS Census Day Total Primary Enrollments - Count of students with Primary Enrollments on Census Day as currently reflected in the system, excluding N470(NoShowOther) exits codes |
8 | Total Cumulative Enrollment (Unduplicated) - Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an open enrollment at any time during the academic year with an enrollment status of 10 (Primary), 20 (Secondary), or 30 (Short-term).** |
**Total Cumulative Enrollment is unduplicated for each aggregate level. Therefore, the total for all selected schools will not necessary equal the aggregate of each school's cumulative enrollment. Some rates determine cumulative enrollment using all enrollment statuses and other rates use only primary and secondary enrollment statuses. | |
Note 1: | The count of students is unduplicated at each aggregate level. This count won’t necessary equal the sum of unduplicated cumulative enrollment counts for primary, secondary, short-term. |
Note 2: | Total cumulative enrollment may vary depending on ‘Total Cumulative Enrollment (Unduplicated) filter chosen: |
• Cumulative Enrollment (default) = enrollment records with enrollment start/end dates in the current academic year (i.e. 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024) will be included; enrollments from prior academic years with no enrollment end date will also be included | |
• Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment = only enrollments with enrollment start dates in the current academic year (i.e. 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024) will be included | |
• One-Year Completer Enrollment = only those records that have an Enrollment Exit Date between August 16 of the Report Academic Year and August 15 of following Academic Year AND School Completion Status = 100, 120, 320, 330 | |
9 | Primary (10) Enrollment Status Cumulative Enrollment Total - Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an open enrollment at any time during the academic year with an enrollment status of 10 (Primary). |
10 | Secondary (20) Enrollment Status Cumulative Enrollment Total - Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an open enrollment at any time during the academic year with an enrollment status of 20 (Secondary). |
11 | Short-Term (30) Enrollment Status Cumulative Enrollment Total - Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an open enrollment at any time during the academic year with an enrollment status of 30 (Short-Term). |
Additional Resources
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
Look for Student Enrollment (SENR) and Student Information (SINF) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.
CALPADS Data Guide
Chapter 2.1.6 provides additional information on Cumulative Enrollment and Student Absence.
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The program code definitions are listed in this document.