C/A Report 18.1 - Work-Based Learning - Count

Updated as of 5/16/2024

Description: Reports the total number of students with a Work-Based Learning record and the count for each Work-Based Learning Type.

Report Type: Snapshot / (EOY 1)

Security Role(s) Required: County (For COEs); Authorizing LEA Reports (For all other LEAs)

Data As Of:

  • EOY 1, July 1 – June 30

Basic selection criteria:

  • Enrollment at a school of Attendance that overlaps the selected Academic Year
  • Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30
  • Grade Level = 09-12
  • Work-Based Learning (WBLR) records in the selected Academic Year (Field 21.07) at the School of Attendance (Field 21.05) from the Enrollment record
  • Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) and Foster Youth data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, Homeless, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment.

Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected

  • Academic Year
  • County
  • Revision Status
  • LEA
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged
  • English Learner
  • Foster Youth
  • Education Program
  • Work-Based Learning Type

Report Logic

EOY 1 C/A Report 18.1 Column 1-9

Column Rules
1 LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools Table.
2 LEA Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
3 School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools Table.
4 School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
5 SENR Field 1.24 – Grade Level Code (Expandable/Collapsible column)
6 SINF Field 2.19 – Student Gender Code (Expandable/Collapsible column).
Note: A gender code will only display if there is at least one corresponding WBLR record.
7 Total Unduplicated count of SSIDs at each aggregate level
- If a student was reported under more than one Work-Based Learning Type or Grade for the same school, count the student only once, with the priority for highest Grade.
- If the student was reported under more than one school, count the student in each school once.
8 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 10-Internship
9 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 15-Student-led Enterprise

EOY 1 C/A Report 18.1 Column 10-18

Column Rules
10 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 20-Simulated Work-Based Learning
11 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 25-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program
12 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 30-Non-registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program
13 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 35-Job Corps
14 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 40-Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
15 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 45-YouthBuild
16 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 50-California Conservation Corps
17 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 60-Transition Work-Based Experience
18 Duplicated count of SSIDs with Work-Based Learning Type Code = 65-Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration

Additional Resources

CALPADS File Specifications

Look for SSID Enrollment (SENR), Student Information (SINF) and Work-Base Learning (WBLR) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.

Work-Based Learning (WBLR) Data Population Training PowerPoint v1.1

Topics include: Name and definition changes for work-based learning indicator fields.

CALPADS Flash #174

Topics include: Name and definition changes for work-based learning indicator fields.


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The different course-related code definitions are listed in this document.