Report 16.21 Students with Disabilities – Overdue Plan Review and Reevaluation Meetings Student List

Description: Reports student details of students who are Eligible and Participating Students with Disabilities who are either

1) overdue on Plan Review or Reevaluation meeting as of the Report As Of Date,
2) their most recent plan review or reevaluation meeting was held late, or
3) their meetings are on-time.

Note: Overdue meetings that are not yet held AND are Non-Compliant are used for CDE monitoring. Non-Compliant is defined by Meeting Delay Code = 90 or no Meeting Delay Code. Meetings held late will continue to appear on the report until a subsequent meeting is held.

Report Type: ODS

Data As Of: User Defined

Security Role(s) Required: Fall 1, EOY 4

Basic selection criteria:

  • Students included: Students with a qualifying enrollment who have an SWDS record effective on the Report As Of Date where Status = 1 (Eligible and Participating), most recent enrollment included

  • Grade Levels = PS, TK – 12

  • Enrollment Status = Primary (10), Short Term (30), Non-ADA (50)
  • In cases where more than one enrollment record overlaps the report period, priority is given as follows: Primary Enrollment (10), Short Term (30), and then Non-ADA Enrollments (50).
  • Students whose most recent SENR record on report date = E155 or E156 (YearEndEnrollmentExit) are considered part of the qualifying enrollment

  • Special Education most recent records included:

  • SWDS – Most recent SWDS record, regardless of LEA, on the Report As Of Date has Status Code = 1 (Eligible and Participating)
  • PLAN – Most recent PLAN record, regardless of LEA, on or before Report As Of Date (sorted by PLAN Effective Start Date)
  • MEET – Most recent two MEET records where Plan Review = Y and Meeting Date is on or before Report As Of Date
  • MEET – Most recent two MEET records where Evaluation Type = 40 (Reevaluation) and Meeting Date is on or before Report As Of Date
  • MEET – Most recent MEET record where Plan Review = Y and Pending As Of Date is populated and on or before Report As Of Date
  • MEET – Most recent MEET record where Evaluation Type = 40 (Reevaluation) and Pending As Of Date is populated and on or before Report As Of Date
  • MEET – Most recent MEET record where Evaluation Type = 10 (Part B Initial) or 15 (Part C Initial), and Meeting Date is on or before Report As Of Date

Note – when there is more than one MEET record with the same Meeting Date, Pending As Of Date, Plan Review Indicator and Evaluation Type, for the same SSID, priority is given to the MEET record overlapping the qualifying enrollment for the same Reporting LEA and record with the SELPA for the current SELPA-LEA relationship on the Report As Of Date. If none are from the same LEA, then sort by descending CDS code.

  • Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, Homeless, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment.

Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected

  • Academic Year
  • As of Month – default is current month
  • As of Day – default is current day
  • LEA
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Grade Level
  • Primary Disability Category Code
  • Education Plan Type
  • Monitoring Category
  • English Language Acquisition Status
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged
  • Title I Part C Migrant
  • Homeless Program Eligible
  • Foster Youth
  • Student Age – default to 0-22 years*
  • Meeting Delay Code
  • Non-Compliant

  • Student Age Filter is calculated based on the student’s Age as of the Report As Of Date (Calculation: Report As Of Date minus Birth Date from SINF).

Report Logic

Report16.21 Screenshot

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Column Rules
1 PLAN Field 23.09 – Reporting SELPA Note: SELPA Code and Name is derived from the most recent PLAN record for the student and may not necessarily be a SELPA that is associated with the Reporting LEA rendering the report
2 Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model
3 PLAN Field 23.10 – District of Special Education Accountability
4 Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model
5 SENR Field 1.05 – School of Attendance. If more than one enrollment on Report As Of Date, priority is given to Primary enrollment status.
6 Use data element name from CALPADS Security Model
7 SENR Field 1.08 – SSID number
8 SENR Field 1.12 – Student Legal Last Name and SENR Field 1.10 – Student Legal First Name and SENR Field 1.11 – Student Legal Middle Name
9 SENR Field 1.24 – Grade Level Code
10 PLAN Field 23.03 – Local Record ID
11 SINF Field 2.19 – Student Gender Code
12 SINF Field 2.23 – Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator and SINF Fields 2.25-2.29 – Race Codes
13 SINF Field 2.18 – Student Birth Date
14 PLAN Field 23.14 – Primary Residence Code
15 Monitoring Category calculation:
Timely Plan Review/Reevaluation Meeting: Students with Disabilities not appearing in any other count
Overdue Plan Review Meeting, Pending Record:
- Count of students where their most recent MEET record (regardless of LEA) where Meeting Date is populated AND EITHER Plan Review = Y OR Meeting Type = 10 or 15, has Meeting Date greater than 365 days from Report As Of Date AND student has a more recent MEET record where Pending As Of Date is populated and less than or equal to Report As Of Date and Plan Review = Y AND Pending record Meeting Delay = 90 or blank.
Overdue Plan Review Meeting, No Pending Record:
- Count of students where their most recent MEET record (regardless of LEA) where Meeting Date is populated AND EITHER Plan Review = Y OR Meeting Type = 10 or 15, has a Meeting Date greater than 365 days from Report As Of Date AND there is NOT a more recent Pending meeting where Plan Review = Y
Overdue Reevaluation Meeting, Pending Record:
- Count of students where their most recent MEET record (regardless of LEA) where Meeting Date is populated AND Meeting Type = 10, 15 or 40, has a Meeting Date greater than 1095 days from Report As Of Date AND there is a more recent Pending record where Meeting Type = 40 AND Meeting Delay Code = 90 or blank.
Overdue Reevaluation Meeting, No Pending Record:
- Count of students where their most recent MEET record (regardless of LEA) where Meeting Date is populated AND Meeting Type = 10, 15 or 40, has a Meeting Date greater than 1095 days from Report As Of Date AND there is NOT a more recent Pending meeting where Plan Type = 40
Plan Review Held Late:
- Count of students where their most recent (regardless of LEA) MEET record where Plan Review = Y and Meeting Date is less than 365 days from Report As Of Date AND Meeting Date is after or equal to 9/20/23 AND student’s immediate previous Plan Review Meeting (where Evaluation Type = 10 or 15) and Meeting Date is greater than 365 days from most recent Plan Review Meeting Date
Reevaluation Held Late:
- Count of students where their most recent (regardless of LEA) MEET record where Meeting Type = 40 and Meeting Date is less than 1095 days from Report As Of Date AND Meeting Date is after or equal to 9/20/23 AND student’s immediate previous Re-evaluation Meeting (where Meeting Type = 10, 15 or 40) and Meeting Date is greater than 1095 days from most recent Re-evaluation Meeting Date
16 Days elapsed since the meeting was held.
- Day difference between Report As Of Date and Meeting Date. For example, if meeting is 5/1/2019 and report date is 5/1/2020, then Days Elapsed Since Meeting = 1 year and 1 day. This field should be blank if the meeting record has Pending As Of Date populated.
17 Days elapsed since the meeting was required to be held without being late.
Calculation if Monitoring Category:
Overdue Plan Review Meeting, without pending
- Day difference between Report As Of Date and most recent MEET record where Plan Review = Y OR Evaluation Type = 10 or 15 Meeting Date minus 365. For example, if meeting is 5/1/2019 and Report As Of Date is 5/15/2020, then Elapsed days is 15
Overdue Reevaluation Meeting, without pending
- Day difference between Report As Of Date and most recent MEET record where Evaluation Type = 40, 10 or 15 Meeting Date minus 1095. For example, if meeting is 5/1/2017 and Report As Of Date is 5/15/2020, then Elapsed days is 15 days.
18 MEET Field 24.10 – Special Education Referral Date (Initials Only)
19 MEET Field 24.12 – Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date (Initials Only)
20 MEET Field 24.13 – Special Education Meeting Date
21 MEET Field 24.14 – Pending As Of Date
22 MEET Field 24.15 – Meeting Delay Code
23 MEET Field 24.16 – Meeting Activity-Evaluation Type Code
24 MEET Field 24.17 – Meeting Activity-Plan Review Indicator
25 MEET Field 24.18 – Evaluation Outcome Code
26 MEET Field 24.19 – Parental Involvement Facilitation Code (Initial and Plan Reviews Only)
27 SWDS Field 22.10 – Special Education Initial Entry Start Date
28 SWDS Field 22.11 – Special Education Status Effective Start Date (from SWDS where Status Code = 1-Eligible and Participating)
29 PLAN Field 23.11 – Special Education Plan Type Code
30 PLAN Field 23.12 – Special Education Plan Effective Start Date
31 PLAN Field 23.13 – Reason for Plan Record Code
32 PLAN Field 23.15 – Disability 1 Code
33 PLAN Field 23.16 – Disability 1 Degree of Support
34 PLAN Field 23.17 – Disability 2 Code
35 PLAN Field 23.18 – Disability 2 Degree of Support
36 PLAN Field 23.20 – Special Education Program Setting Code
37 PLAN Field 23.21 – Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code
38 PLAN Field 23.22 – Ten or More Weekly Hours in Setting Indicator
39 PLAN Field 23.23 – General Education Participation Percentage
40 PLAN Field 23.33 – Special Transportation Indicator
41 PLAN Field 23.19 – Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator
42 PLAN Field 23.24 – Special Education Program Type Code

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