Students with Disabilities Status (SWDS)
(Updated 8/30/2024)
For authorized users, the Students with Disabilities Status history displays when a user clicks the container on the Student Details. The system will display a button next to each record to open the record in read-only. The UI is depicted below followed by its screen elements table. Following by user interaction section and the system operations section with the additional expected system functions, requirements, and possible processes. The system will display all records by default in reverse chronological order.
Account Roles Needed
Users need the following roles to access and edit this section of the Student Details page.
- Student Search
- SPED View: Provides functionality to only view SWDS via Online Maintenance. Provides functionality to request and retrieve SWDS Rejected Records Extracts and request and retrieve SWDS ODS Extract.
- SPED Edit: Provides functionality to create and manage SWDS records using the online and batch interface.
- School Level Users with SPED Edit will NOT be able to Add/Edit/Delete the SWDS record(s) due to no School level field to allow authorization.
An authorized user may perform the following functions through this interface:
- View a student’s existing Students with Disabilities Status record.
- Select to edit or delete an existing record reported by the LEA the user is associated to.
- Add new Students with Disabilities Status record
- Return to the Student Detail page
Students with Disabilities Status Container
The Students with Disabilities Status Container (SWDS) page displays when the user clicks to expand the container header within the student details. The system will display a button next to each record to open the record The UI is depicted below followed by its screen elements table. Following by user interaction section and the system operations section with the additional expected system functions, requirements and possible processes. The system will display all Student Special Education Program records by default in reverse chronological order.
Clicking on the Students with Disabilities Status header expands the container and reveals existing records.
Add New Record button enables user to create a new Students with Disabilities Status record.
Container column headers enable users to sort or filter existing records based on parameters set.
Open button enable users to view details of the record. The record details cannot be modified regardless if the LEA owns the record and the user has Edit roles.
Since the container only shows limited records at a time, the page buttons allow users to move to the next set of records.
Student Special Education Program Modal
The Special Education Details UI is depicted below followed by a screen elements table. If the user clicks to open an existing record, the modal page appears with the values from the student’s selected record.

Screen Label | Required | Validation/Business Rule |
Header Data | ||
N/A | (Contents derived from most current SENR and SINF data) | |
SWDS Data | ||
Local Record ID | N | A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) file format. |
Reporting LEA | Y | |
Academic Year ID | N | 1) Academic Year ID must be a valid academic school year combination and no more than one year in the future 2) Academic Year ID is associated with the record Status Effective Start Date. |
SSID | Y | 1) SSID must be a valid CALPADS SSID in the ODS 2) Only one record may exist in the file with the same SSID and CA Status Start Date |
Local Student ID | N | A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency. This may not necessarily be the same as the identifier assigned to the student at the school level. This field will flow through CALPADS and be provided back to the Local Educational Agency (LEA) to help facilitate locating the original record in their local student information system (SIS) environment. |
Local Special Education Student ID | Y | A unique identifier assigned to a student by a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or State Operated Program (SOP), the identifier may or may not be the same as the identifier in the local student information system. |
Reporting SELPA | Y | 1) SELPA code must be a valid 4-digit SELPA code 2) SELPA must be a valid Entity Code and have an active reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA |
Special Education Initial Entry Start Date | If SPED Status = 1 - Eligible and Participating, then Y, otherwise must be blank. | 1) Must be less than or equal to current date 2) Must be greater than or equal to Initial Entry Start Date when Special Education Status Code = 1 (Eligible and Participating) 3) Only one SWDS record for student per Plan Effective Start Date is allowed |
Special Education Status Effective Start Date | Y | 1) Must be less than or equal to current date 2) Must be greater than or equal to Initial Entry Start Date when Special Education Status Code = 1 (Eligible and Participating) 3) Only one SWDS record for student per Plan Effective Start Date is allowed - For students who are being initially evaluated, this would be the date a determination was made. - For students whose status is changing, it would be the date the student's status changed. - For students who are identified as eligible outside of CA and then transfer in, this would be the date the student first entered a CA public school. - For students who were determined eligible in CA, left out of state and were exited from special education out of state, then come back to CA, this would be date the student's exit status was recorded in CA. |
Special Education Status Code | Y | 1) Student must not be over the age of 22 and have a Special Education Status = 1 (Eligible and Participating) 2) Special Education Status Code and Non-Participation Code must be a valid combination as defined in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document 3) Students must not be enrolled on the Special Education status Effective start date if Special Education Status Code = Eligible and Not Enrolled |
Non-Participation Reason Code | If Special Education Status Code <> 1 (Eligible and Participating)Then Y, Else N | 1) Must be blank, if Special Education Status Code = 1 (Eligible and Participating) 2) Student cannot be less than 21 years old and have a Non Participating reason code = 23 (Max age) |
Special Education Data Submission Scenarios
Scenario Category | Scenario Number | Scenario | SWDS | MEET | PLAN | SERV |
Pending and Late Meetings | 1a | A Part B Initial evaluation is scheduled for a student and is pending but is not yet late. | None | Pending as of Date = Date of parental consent for Part B Initial Evaluation Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Delay Code = Blank |
None | None |
Pending and Late Meetings | 1b | ….the Part B Initial evaluation meeting is now overdue (over 60 days from the date of parental consent for evaluation). | None | Pending as of Date = Date the record is being submitted to CALPADS Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Delay Code = Populated with appropriate Meeting Delay Code |
None | None |
Pending and Late Meetings | 1c | …the Part B Initial is finally held, student is determined to be eligible, the parent has accepted the offer of FAPE but the meeting was held late. | Status = 1 - Eligible and Participating Status Start Date = Date the parent accepted the offer of FAPE. |
Evaluation Type Code =10 - Initial Evaluation Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date (first day) Eligibility Outcome Code 20- Eligible |
Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = Date student will begin services |
Plan Effective Start Date = Date student will begin services |
Pending and Late Meetings | 2a | A plan review meeting is scheduled but is overdue (more than 365 days from the previous plan review). | None | Evaluation Type Code = Blank Pending as of Date = Date the record is being submitted to CALPADS Plan Review Indicator = Y Meeting Delay Code = Populated with appropriate Meeting Delay Code |
None | None |
Pending and Late Meetings | 2b | …the plan review is finally held, but was held late, and the parent signs the new IEP. | None | Evaluation Type Code = Blank Meeting Date = Date of the plan review meeting Plan Review Indicator = Y Meeting Delay Code = Populated with appropriate Meeting Delay Code |
Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent approves the plan. |
Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent approves the plan. |
Pending and Late Meetings | 3a | An eligibility reevaluation is scheduled but is overdue (more than three years from the previous initial evalution or eligibility reevaluation). | None | Evaluation Type Code = 40 - Eligibility Reevaluation Pending as of Date = Date the record is being submitted to CALPADS Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Delay Code = Populated with appropriate Meeting Delay Code |
None | None |
Pending and Late Meetings | 3b | …the eligibility reevaluation is finally held, student remains eligible, but the meeting was held late, and the student's IEP was not changed. | None | Evaluation Type Code = 40 - Eligibility Reevaluation Meeting Date = Date eligibility reevaluation was initiated. Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Delay Code = Populated with appropriate Meeting Delay Code |
None | None |
Part C to B Transitions | 4 | A student was on Part C (IFSP), was evaluated for Part B and determined to be eligible and will start Kindergarten in the Fall. | None - student remains eligible. | Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation Eligibility Outcome Code = 20 - Eligible Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date (date the meeting was initiated) |
Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in Kindergarten |
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in Kindergarten |
Part C to B Transitions | 5 | A student was on Part C and the IFSP/IEP team determined no Part B evaluation was necessary. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 26 - IFSP/IEP team determined no Part B Evaluation is necessary Status Start Date = date of student's third birthday |
None | None | None |
Part C to B Transitions | 6 | A student was on Part C and was evaluated for Part B but was determined to be ineligible. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 21 - Not Eligible Status Start Date = date of student's third birthday |
Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Eligibility Outcome Code = 25 - Not Eligible Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date |
None | None |
Part C to B Transitions | 7 | A student was on Part C and was evaluated for Part B was determined to be eligible and the parent has agreed to the IEP. Student is preschool age but will not enroll in preschool and will receive services only. | Status = 1 - Eligible and Participating Status Start Date = Date the parent accepted the offer of FAPE. |
Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Eligibility Outcome Code = 20 - Eligible Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date |
Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = Date services will begin |
Plan Effective Start Date = Date services will begin |
Initial Part B Evaluations | 8 | A student is newly evaluated for Part B and was found ineligible. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 21 - Not Eligible Status Start Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date (date the meeting was initiated) |
Evaluation Type Code = 10 - Initial Evaluation - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Eligibility Outcome Code = 25 - Not Eligible Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date (date the meeting was initiated) |
None | None |
Initial Part B Evaluations | 9a | A student is initially evaluated for Part B and is found eligible, but the parent hasn’t yet approved or signed the IEP. | Status = 2 - Eligible, Not Participating Non-participation Reason = 12 - Eligible, No Education Plan (Other Reasons) Status Start Date = date of the Initial Evaluation Meeting |
Evaluation Type Code =10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date (date the meeting was initiated) Eligibility Outcome Code 20- Eligible |
No PLAN record submitted until the parent agrees to the plan. |
None |
Initial Part B Evaluations | 9b | ...but then the parent later agreed to and signed the IEP. | Status = 1 - Eligible and Participating Status Start Date = the date parent agreed to the plan |
None - meeting not required as meeting record was initially submitted in 9a. | Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = the date the parent agreed to the plan |
Plan Effective Start Date = the date the parent agreed to the plan |
Initial Part B Evaluations | 10 | A student is initially evaluated for Part B and is found eligible, but the parent declines the offer of FAPE and places the student in a private school. | Status = 2 - Eligible, Not Participating Non-participation Reason = 11 - No Education Plan (Parent Declined FAPE - Private Placement) Status Start Date = date of the Initial Evaluation Meeting |
Evaluation Type Code =10 - Initial Evaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Date = Initial Evaluation Meeting date Eligibility Outcome Code 20- Eligible |
None | None |
Plan Reviews | 11 | The IEP team conducts the student's plan review required at least once annually and the parent approves the proposed IEP. | None | Evaluation Type Code = Blank Plan Review Indicator = Y Meeting Date = Date the plan review was held and the parent approved the plan. |
Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = the date of the plan review and the parent agreed to the plan |
Plan Effective Start Date = the date of the plan review and the parent agreed to the plan |
Plan Reviews | 12a | The IEP team conducts the student's plan review required at least once annually and the parent does not approve the proposed IEP. | None | Evaluation Type Code = Blank Plan Review Indicator = Y Meeting Date = Date the plan review was initiated. |
None - current plan is in stay-put until parent agrees to proposed plan. | None - current plan is in stay-put until parent agrees to proposed plan. |
Plan Reviews | 12b | ...the parent subsequently agrees to one or more services and approves the plan. | None | None | Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 1 – Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = the date the parent agreed to the plan |
Plan Effective Start Date = the date the parent agreed to the plan |
Transfers within Public Schools | 13a | A student on an IEP transfers to a new district and the new district adopts the IEP in stay-put. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred. | Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 3 - Adoption/Same Plan Type Plan Effective Start Date = the date the student enrolled in the new district (from the student information system) |
Plan Effective Start Date = the date the student enrolled in the new district (from the student information system) |
Transfers within Public Schools | 13b | …the IEP team amends the student's plan within 30 days of enrollment. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred. | Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 2 - Amendment Plan Effective Start Date = date of the amendment |
Plan Effective Start Date = date of the amendment |
Transfers TO private schools | 14 | A student on an IEP is parentally placed in a private school and the parent elects to have the student served on an ISP. The agreement on the ISP is finalized PRIOR to the enrollment in the private school. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred. | Education Plan Type Code = 200 Reason for Plan Record Code: 2 – Amendment Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in private school |
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in the private school |
Transfers TO private schools | 15a | A student on an IEP is parentally placed in a private school and the parent elects to have the student served on an ISP, however, the agreement on the ISP is finalized AFTER the first day of enrollment in the private school. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred | Education Plan Type Code = 100 Reason for Plan Record Code = 4 - Adoption/Different Plan Type Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in the private school |
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in the private school |
Transfers TO private schools | 15b | …after adopting the IEP in stay put, an interim placement meeting is held for an interim ISP. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred | Education Plan Type Code = 200 Reason for Plan Record Code: 2 – Amendment Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the ISP |
Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the ISP |
Transfers TO private schools | 15c | …then, a final agreement is reached on the student's ISP. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred | Education Plan Type Code = 200 Reason for Plan Record Code: 2 – Amendment Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the ISP |
Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the ISP |
Transfers FROM private schools | 16a | A student on an ISP is transferring to a public school, the LEA adopts the ISP in stay-put on the first day of enrollment. | None | None - unless plan review meeting occurred | Education Plan Type Code=200 Reason for Plan Record Code: 4 - Adoption/Different Plan Type Plan Effective Start Date=First day of enrollment in the public school |
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in the public school |
Transfers FROM private schools | 16b | ...then the LEA holds a subsequent IEP plan review meeting within 30 days of enrollment and parent agrees to the plan. | None | Evaluation Type Code = Blank Plan Review Indicator = Y Meeting Date = Date of plan review meeting |
Education Plan Type Code = 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 1 - Meeting Outcome Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the IEP plan |
Plan Effective Start Date = date the parent agreed to the IEP plan |
Eligibility Reevaluations | 17a | A student has an eligibility re-evaluation and is found to be ineligible. | Status = 4 - Not eligible Non-participation Reason = 21, Not Eligible Status Start Date = date the parent agreed to change in placement |
Evaluation Type Code = 40 - Eligibility Reevaluation Plan Review Indicator = N Meeting Date = Eligibility Re-evaluation date Eligibility Outcome Code 21- Not Eligible |
None | None |
Eligibility Reevaluations | 17b | …however, the parent does not agree to the change in placement (exit) and eligibliity determination and won't sign the IEP. The student is still receiving services because the plan is in stay- put. | None - not needed unless there is a change in status that might have resulted from an Independent Eligibility Evaluation or due process. | None - unless plan review meeting occurred | None | None |
School-related exits | 18a | A student who is on an IEP leaves the state. | Status = 3 - Eligible, Not Enrolled Non-participation Reason = 31 - Left School Not Expected to Return Status Start Date = Enrollment exit date from Student Information System (SIS). |
None | None | None |
School-related exits | 18b | …after leaving the state, student is exited from Special Education in the other state and subsequently returns to California. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 25 - Returned to CA, no longer eligible Status Start Date = first day of enrollment in the California school |
None | None | None |
School-related exits | 19 | A student leaves the school because they transferred out of the state or country, dropped out, died, or completed high school without a standard high school diploma. | Status = 3 - Eligible, Not Enrolled Non-participation Reason = 31 - Left School Not Expected to Return Status Start Date = Enrollment exit date from Student Information System (SIS). |
None | None | None |
Reenrollments | 20 | A student who initially left school because they transferred out of the state or country, dropped out, died, or completed high school without a standard high school diploma, reenrolls in a California public school. | Status = 1 - Eligible and Participating Status Start Date = First day of the enrollment after reenrolling. |
None - unless plan review and/or eligibility re-evaluation meeting occurred | Education Plan Type Code= 100 Reason for Plan Record Code: 3 – Adoption, same plan type Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment |
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment |
Special Education Exits | 21 | The parent of a student on an IEP revokes consent for special education instruction and services. | Status = 2 - Eligible, Not Participating Non-participation Reason = 24 - withdrawal Status Start Date = date of withdrawal |
None | None | None |
Special Education Exits | 22 | A student on an IEP has reached the maximum age and exits special education. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 23 - MaxAge Status Start Date = Date of student's 22nd birthday OR date services will end if allowed to continue services until the end of the semester or end of the year. |
None | None | None |
Completer Exits | 23a | A student completed high school with a certificate of completion, high school equivialency certificate, passed the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), or earned the Alternate Pathway Diploma and the student is not expected to return to school. | Status = 3 - Eligible, Not Enrolled (still eligible if they have not reached max age, did not earn a High School diploma) Non-participation Reason = 31 - Left School Not Expected to Return Status Start Date = Exit date from Student Information System (SIS) |
None | None | None |
Completer Exits | 23b | A student completed high school with a certificate of completion, high school equivialency certificate, passed the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), or earned the Alternate Pathway Diploma but remains enrolled. | None | None | None - unless amendments are made to the plan | None - unless amendments are made to the services |
Completer Exits | 24 | A student graduated with a standard high school diploma. | Status = 4 - Not Eligible Non-participation Reason = 21 - Not Eligible Status Start Date = Exit date from Student Information System (SIS) |
None | None | None |
Additional Resources
CALPADS Special Education FAQ
This document list current Special Education- related frequently asked questions.
CALPADS Error List
This document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS. It also provides suggested resolutions.
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
Look for Student Special Education Tab
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. Appropriate SPED codes are included in this document.